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Taylor's POV:

The morning light dappled through the curtains once again as I lay, facing Evie. My eyes traced her ever perfect face. Her soft rosy cheeks littered with tiny freckles and her morning hair, tossed across her gentle face made me smile. Oh how lucky I am to know such a girl. I feel like somehow fate brought us together, like an invisible string.

"Good morning darling" I said, brushing Evie's hair from her face and placing an ever so delicate kiss on her forehead. "Morning" Evie said, stretching out her arms. "Awh big stretch!" I coo before I can stop myself. I'm met with giggles as Evie snuggles up to me. I wish I could stay like this forever but alas my phone ruins the moment. I groan, rolling over and checking it. Tree.

Tree Paine: Hi Taylor, are we still good for the meeting this morning?


Me: Hi! Yes, I'll be there asap. Totally didn't forget.

Tree Paine: I figured, lol. No worries, take your time. 

"I'm sorry baby girl, I've got a meeting to go to, would you like me to drop you home or would you like to stay here today again?" I say, pouting. "Oh that's totally fine! I better get home, I can't stay here forever, as much as I'd like to" Evie says, getting up. "Actually about that, I wanted to talk to you...uhm, how would you feel about staying over for longer periods and I don't know maybe one day move in with me" I say, mumbling the last part. "REALLY?! I mean, that would be amazing, I don't wanna get in the way of your life or anything, I promise it will be like I'm not even here" Evie rambles. "Oh darling, you don't ever get in the way, take up space, fill the halls with your essence, you make this house a home my dear" I say, tracing her face. Her eyes lock with mine as they fill with heavy tears, begging to be let free. "You're so kind" Evie whispers, tearing up. "Oh my darling, it's just what you deserve" I whisper back, cupping her face in my hands. "Can I grab some of my stuff from home and stay here tonight?" Evie questioned, turning her head to the side. "Of course sweetheart, I'll get one of my drivers to drop you home and pick you up" I say with a smile. "Thank you" she says, pulling me into a hug. I relax and melt into the hug as a sigh escapes from my lips. "As much as I'd like to stay here forever and ever, I do have a meeting to get to my darling" I say, sadly. "That's ok m-Taylor" Evie says and my heart skips a beat.

Evie doesn't have to call me anything specific when she's regressed but the thought of her calling me mama makes me giddy. I've always wanted to be a mama, not that I expected it to be in this way but I'm so happy it is. Being a caregiver feels natural to me, like I was born for this. Being her mama would mean the world to me.

"Goodbye my darling, I'll see you tonight" I say, kissing Evie on the cheek as she slides into the car. "Bye Tay, I love you" she says, putting on her seatbelt. "I love you to" I smile, closing her door and watching the car move down the driveway. I know we are only away from each other for a short amount of time but god do I miss her already. My perfect girl.

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