When One becomes Lost

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It was an average day for Ruli and Angoramon. Angoramon sat in a cozy corner, enjoying a really good book. "The Soul within the Mental Labyrinth" by the famous "Sun Novelist". A tale of a child who is a soul enity. One whose memories are sealed with in each room of the labyrinth. One which the child had created to escape the "scary place" which bares the name "Reality". To escape the imaginary world they crafted to leave the real world problems. The labyrinth now imprisoned the small soul, intending to keep them locked away forever. Now they must leave the place they created. To escape the imaginary world in their mind to face the real world.

Just when he was reaching the part where the soul enity is facing the final door to unlock their body, returning to the real world. Coming in contact with the keeper of the labyrinth. The soul's mental self confronting them, wanting to see if they are truly ready to leave. When the sounds of giggling caused him to look up from his book.

Not that he ever get upset when this happened. He usually took pauses anyways when they all had missions. Good thing he had bookmarks.

On the bed were Ruli and Solisamon. Ruli was taking care of Solisamon while the team went to visit Mei's family in New York city since there were a few distorted rifts in the area. Gulusgammamon felt as if this was far too dangerous for Solisamon. Claiming that Solisamon was still far too young for missions of this level. Therefore she would be left behind yet again. Promises of a souvenir once the group got back.

In the mean time, the girls were going to have a fun time to get their minds off the case.

Ruli loved dressing up Solisamon in adorable dresses or cute outfits. It was like having the little sister that she always wanted. Aoi and Mika would join in on the fun when the three were together. Espimon would be on included since he was now hanging around Aoi more. Gave Ruli relief to know that there was a guardian watching over one of her best friends.

The cyborg never was one for dressing up. Though Solisamon happened to pick up the adorable cute eyes from Gammamon. Meaning that one look at those teal eyes made any refusals impossible, absolutely impossible!

The young oni digimon was placed in a black frilly dress with small violet laced bows around her waist. Wearing a black bowed headband with a golden star with a ruby like gemstone in the center of it. Black velvet gloves wrapped in dark violent lace which formed a bow in the middle of the back of the hands. Not removing her collar. Refusing to ever abandoned the treasure that Gulusgammamon made her. Ruli allowed her to keep it in, despite how it may clash the outfit.

"Introducing Solisamon style: Gulus" Ruli shows off Solisamon latest outfit to her bunny digimon partner. Proud to show her latest outfit choice for the Pure digimon.

Almost as fun as dressing up a cute porcelain doll in those gorgeous silk dresses.

Solisamon twirled a bit before curtsying before Angoramon like a princess or noble would. Bokomon had taught her about proper manners in a class once. Even though half the time she slept through the class.

Some subjects are just excuses for the brain to shut down and make students pass out. Teachers say it's a sign of disrespect, but they had to have had those moments when they were students too right?

"You look very cute" Angoramon smiled. Clapping a biy.

Solisamon beamed in happiness. Glowing brightly with excitement.

"Oh I got to senr a picture to Hiro! He will die from a massive cuteness overload" Ruli giggled as she prepared to take the perfect photo shot.

Both knowing all too well that Gulus would be the one to be overwhelmed by such adorableness. No matter how hard he tried to deny such nonsense. Refusing to admit that the "Jet Black Champion" or rather the "Dark Conqueror"  had begun to develop a soft spot. The thought was completely "a misconception" is what the champion digimon claimed.

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