Swapped Roles and New Adventures

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Team Lirurun took some time to discuss a matter that had been stirring up conflicts between Lopmon Bakery who has recently started selling world wide sweets from becoming localized two weeks ago. The owner of the human bakery seems to be losing customers due to the sheer adorableness of the chocolate brown lop eared rabbit. The conflict is to relocate one of the business, so that the other one could still do business. In truth...both owners don't mind the idea since it could aid in expanding profits.

Problem? Lopmon bakery is a popular spot for the digimon of their new country. With humans still learning to adapt to digimon being potential customers. Various monsters of different size and species are not the usuals that one expects to see walking through their doors. Gotsumon and the human baker's son rivalry added a heavy amount to the matter. Acting like two young children bickering on who has what's better till it breaks into a hot bloodied arguement. While Hanuel and their partners went to DigiHarmony to help persuade a solution, the others would try to resolve a compromise with the human owned bakery. Took till the earliest hours of dusk to finally solve the mind numbing issue. Neamon found something that greatly peaked Hanuel interests so they would remain in DigiHarmony for the next few days.

Leaving the others relaxing while blissful sugary snacks replenished their energies. Discussing about interests or wonders.

"Sis is trying to convince Abi to get a human disguise from Blues but he's being stubborn. Mainly because it means he may have to materialize to find his human persona" Shiramon never understood why her adoptive father was so against a disguise if he rather not be materialize. Not like he'll look like some sort of past villian.

"I bet my looks make me look like a stunning human. Probably be one of those super successful models" Jellymon praised herself with the image of her himan self in mind.

"So in that sense, Kiyoshiro would be your digimon?" Angoramon asked curiously as he took a few small gulps of a french vanilla latte which Ruli had been urging for him to try. It held none of the refreshing calm tastes of his usual tea but the aroma helped relax his weary body.

"A world where digimon are humans and humans are their digimon counterparts does in fact exist. I went with "Yin" to celebrate our dearest memory" Gulus spoke through Gammamon while gently stroking Solisamon hair while the little oni slept beside him.

She had missed her afternoon nap because of the issue about the bakeries as well as dealing with a few upset digimon. The exhausted younger digimon decided to use this down time to get some rest.

What Gulus had just said got everyone's interest. A verse like that truly exists? Now this was an absolute MUST see! Right after Solisamon wakes up is went the group plans to paid this verse a visit. Hopefully it will go alright by Centuriomon since he has his eyes on every single digital verse. Nothing escapes his sight.

Clockmon must be extremely proud of how serious his son takes his title of "Verse Keeper" and that he once knocked out Gulus in a one on one fight. Clockmon nearly rusted with all the happy tears he shed that day.

Once Solisamon woke up from one of the most refreshing naps she ever had, only to be asked to be taken to the verse known as "Swapped Roles". Gulus had mentioned such a verse to her  but it hurt her head at it's mere name. Strange since she had NO memories. of ever going to that verse. Her first visit held an unexpected mix of first time excitement and uncertainty dive into a void of unknown.

Thus the group hopped into the vanilla white portal to go to their destination. Strangely they were brought to a small area where Centuriomon was on a lawn chair laid back. He seemed to be relaxing too.

Either the world is in total chaos....or they caught him while he was powered down.

"Centuriomon?" Gulus even had a few questions about the scene before his eyes.

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