Frontlines of the Hospital! A Doctor's Vow!

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Crimson is all that is seen before blinding lights hit her eyes. Adjusting to the sudden change in the mysterious room she found herself in. Beyond the lights were nine if not, ten rows of dark green seats. Each seat is where a shadow sat. No facial features or any unique characteristics could tell the person which decided to cast away their identities to become masked by the darkness. In front of the young lady happened to be a stand  up microphone. A place which she had often held so many happy memories in.

Looking directly at the front row, the girl solely focused on the three yound shadows smiling brightly at the young lady on the dazzling stage. The warm orange dress she wore mimicking the same feel one gets at seeing the sunset. Her hair tied into a tight bun surrounded by freshly picked carnations. The spotlights illuminating her body in it's soft glow. Sweet melodies of a piano soon filled the room in it's musical comfort.

Though just as the young lady ready her boice to sing, the three young shadows began to fade from existance. The other shadows did nothing as if the fate of those three shadows meant nothing.


The lady on the stage tried to reach out to them. Suddenly the curtains closed and became impossible to open. Mighty as a steel door that even the strongest human couldn't budge it one inch. The young girl tried to call out but all that escaped were the non existing sounds of silence. Tears fell from her cheeks as her heart began to shut away this pain behind a stone wall.

That is when Mei awoken from that awful nightmare which occured every night to taunt her. Slowly she sat up as not to wake up Shiramon. The wolf assassin digimon asleep with her visor charging in the outlet she sat beside while she slept. How she could sleep like that still baffles Mei.

Like isn't that position uncomortable? Shiramon finds ways to surprise her.  Though this was nothing compared to the time she somehow got a baby seal in her tub. Cute as it may have been, there home was not the best home for it.

Looking at the digital clock, it read three forty seven in the morning. It would appear that she would not be sleeping much tonight either.

The dream acted like a mental reminder for Mei never to sing ever again. For all it brought to her heart was unbearable pains. Casting a seal around her emotions to prevent any further pain. The seal had weaken over time which allowed Mei to becone more open, her friends having greatly help her come this far. Each trial and challenge allowed Mei to grow into a stronger yet better person.

Though one part of the seal held a great hold over the young girl's heart. A traumatic experience locked in the depths of memories that kept the harmonic voice silent. Waiting years to be released for the world to hear. All it required is one final push to be brought back to life.

"Sing dear child. You know that deep down you do" That voice often hear after that nightmarish dream.

Why sing if all it does is to bring pain to this bleeding heart?! NO! NEVER AGAIN!! NO MORE!!

Lack of sleep usually was not a problem for Mei. All nighters to do countless searches or being throwned into a random digimon related incident. Most having to save her surrogate TM brother from his ocassional brushes with death. Strangely this time she felt tired like she's been up for several weeks.

Maybe she should join the Coffee club with Blues and Mummymon. Be nice since she be the first girl to the team. Though sources have told her that Aliana has been going behind her Abi back and attack coffee to her cocoa. Be ashame if their doctor found out.

Shiramon noticing Mei exchaustion as Team Lirurun planned their upcoming group activity. Behind the high tech visor were grey silverish orbs filled with concern for her tamer. Judging from the glances given by Hanuel and Ruli who were also concerned for their Meichi.

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