A Digimon Themed Dungeons and Dragons

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Darkness often looming in the mystery that dwells deep in dungeons. Labyrinths that vary from stone halls which contain as many rooms as a luxurious five star mansion. Ranging the monsters waiting to ambush adventurer parties that ventured into the dangerous perils of the unknown floors, that or discovering bounties of treasures that are in the bottom heart of the dungeon. In the "Quest Verse" many tamers and digimon are a part of guilds that explore dungeons for resources or vauble treasure to help their home towns. Each tamer and digimon is blessed with an adventurer class along with a weapon or skill unique to their class. Thrilling adventures in a world where a certain popular afterschool activity or from Isekai animes. Ready to dive into a fantasy world where thrilling adventures with trustworthy friends at your side? LET'S GO!!!

Hiro was in his dorm while he awaited for Ruli and Kiyoshiro to come to watch over Solisamon since he was going to a meeting with Mei and Hanuel. It concerned them when a rumor that a digimon was scaring people away from forests in Canada. A digimon that has full control of nature which is causing flora to destroy a few construction sites that were reducing trees in the surrounding areas. Betelgammamon seemed best suited in a fight against a plant type themed digimon. Hanshiramon, Wizarmon, and Pumpmon would make ideal back  up for a fight such as this.

Meaning that Solisamon would need to be looked after till they got back. Right now the little oni child was scribbling away at a piece of paper with a blue crayon that was now a nub at how fiercely she was pressing against the paper. It nearly shocked him that it did NOT break from how she was handling it. Other than that, he seemed really happy that Solisamon went back to her favorite past time.

"What are you drawing Solisamon? May I see?" He looked down to get a better look at her drawing. Even going  down to her level.

Solisamon frowned like a rainy day completely ruined the cheerful mood she had since a while. Hiro would not stop pestering her with that annoying question, "Are you okay?" every darn hour. A few hours is fine but every hour is too much!!! Can a young oni child not draw in peace? Is drawing  suddenly a crime now? She held up a crayon drawing of Hiro and Gammamon with devil horns because that's how she feels around them lately. Like being suffocated by clingy devils.

"Awww!" That's going on the fridge" Being drawn as a demon aside, he was overwhelmed by joy that his little sister was drawing again. Placing a magnet to attach the paper to the mini black compact fridge.

Gammamon smiled at the picture before looking back at Solisamon. He then saw it. Only for a second but he swore he saw it. Solisamon eye puils were star shaped....red ones. Prehaps he simply imagined it.

"Sorry we're late Hiro" Ruli and Kiyoshiro finally arrived to watch over Solisamon as planned. Bringing over a few board games for a fun stay in day

"Angoramon! Jellymon!" Solisamon rushed over to greet the two digimon. Hearing that they were nearly taken out on their last mission.

It seems a distortion in a network located in Costa Rica. Forcing the digimon residing there to undertake unusual or un-natural evolutions. The evolutions were turning the digimon maf and it led them to hospitalize a couple of humans. Though it seems like the digimon responsible had been corrupted by a virus that alters brainwaves. Amphimon and Diarbbitmon were nearly deleted by high sonic charged "Dark Sonic Boom". If Mei and Rythimon had not come in for a last minute assist then they would've lost two digi-pals to the digitama rebirth cycle. Both have been bench since for safety and to rest up from that whole ordeal.

Solisamon hugged them since she had been on another mission in Wyoming. She should have completed it as fast as possible so she could have assist.

"We're okay Solisamon" Jellymom patted her blue hair to reassure the young one.

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