Broken Bonds. Scattered Promises. A lost of Happiness

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Part 1:

The bright multicolors of the space between the verses always seemed to be the most gorgeous sight of all the places of the Digiverse. It's like witnessing the "Aurora Lights"everyday but minus the cold weather. A breathtaking sight that never ceases to bring a cheerful pearl white smile. Being the "Multiverse Hero" was the greatest joy of Solisamon's life. Exploring all kinds of digital worlds, each having it's own unique style. Meeting several digimon that Solisamon never seen before. Some being friends who had a different experience that differ them from the ones back home. Both humans and digimon alike. Unforgettable adventures with exciting thrills around every corner. Witnessing powers that were believed to be long forgotten, to be rewoken from the bonds of close friends.

A warm emotion that was once thought to never fade away. Though one event changed all that. An accident that caused the complete destruction of an entire verse.

Even now in the safety of the dorm room, Solisa could still hear the millions of haunting screams echo within her mind. Memories of an innocent verse falling due to the unstable amount of NEGATIVE ENERGY that took over it. Centuriomon had to pull Solisamon out just before the verse collapsed. Unable to save any of the inhabitants. Especially that one child who had reached out to her with pleading eyes.....

She failed them...Those digimon...Those people... That verse now all gone without a single trace. Not a single soul could have been saved....

Centuriomon urge the young oni to take some time off. Reminding her that they did all they could, but the verse was too far gone when they arrived there. That even the mightest of "Verse Heroes" could only do so much. That even with abilities such as theirs, not everyone could be saved. Centuriomon experienced a few verses collapsing from becoming FORIBBEN. The feeling of losing a great world always sticks to a mon core like an unwanted bug in their systems. Though this had been Solisamon's first time witnessing such an event. The "Verse Keeper" could not begin to imagine how that must have been through the eyes of a child. That type of horror is trult traumatizing for anyone. Let alone for a child.

Instead of taking his advice, Solisamon worked non-stop to keep as many verses from becoming FORIBBEN as possible. Going off for days on end to keep the cherished dimensional worlds safe. Pushing herself to the brink of exchaustion. Not caring to take a break for a rest or her usual past times. Spending less and less time with her brothers or friends. Only going to other digiverses to fix problems. No more visits or making any new friends.

She must take this seriously! Her lack of focus caused her to fail that verse. No more shall she let that happen!!

It did not take long to lose that treasured smile. Both emotionally and physically drained, the "Multiverse Hero" was at her limit. No matter how many she would just be destroyed later on. Placing her in a cocoon filled with eternal negativity. Compelling her to just give into the darkness embrace. To be erased into it's welcoming void.

Solisamon got up from the bed as careful as possible. Not to wake her brothers up who were passed out cold on the bed. Giving them both one final goodbye look while whispering that she "loved them". Then she approached Hiro's computer, her diamond pattern dawned a dark black color for the very first time. From the glass window of the computer screen began to glitch while a black purplish spiral started to form in it's center. Dark threads emerged from the spiral, weaving around Solisamon arms. Not that the "Pure" digimon put up any struggle. Slowly the threads pulled her along like a puppet on a string. Entering a FORIBBEN verse means one NO LONGER possesses anymore positive emotions.

"Sorry....Solisa only a FAILURE ...Better if I disappeared..." Her eyes erased of their warm joyful teal color. Replaced by a soulless white deprived of all emotions.

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