Nightmarish Bad End

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The room ceiling light was all that his flare like eyes could focus on. His body could not stop trembling from the dreadful illusion that's been plaguing him for several nights now. A dark forest green blanket with candy and Halloween design patterns wrapped around his weary body. Fear that images from the nightmare stem solely on that trauma. More sleep seemed to be lost with each passing day.

"Need sleep...Should talk to friend" Pumpmon looked down at his tea which Bakumon recommend to help him sleep. It only allowed him to relax just enough to get a hour sleep tops.

He never thought that lack of sleep had such a draining effect upon his body. He only ever had this feeling after having a sugar crash.

His mind seemed to recall the time he had first encounter with watching his friends being killed, frozen in fear like he had been transformed into a stone statue. Neon blue data spilled as it illuminated the abandoned building that his friends lived in. Moss covered ruined hospital of the bronze brown concrete that most of the broken support beams. Many of the vacant rooms had become home to the Candlemon and Ekakimon. Then he saw a spine shivering RED glow. The glints of the steel kunais which the moonlight faintly revealed. Right before they impaled his dear friends to become digitamas. The burning image of the Wrath Sin Code would forever haunt his memory.

To think that the sins that everyone falls into. Even the tiniest action falls under the sins of the seven rings that are in the depths of hell. It was because the scientist created digimon to become the new holders for the sin codes. A fate those digimon never asked for. Having to endulge the desires of those marks even if the digimon themselves would never like to.

Though that was NOT the reason he could no longer have the blissful dreams of candy paradise where it was Halloween year around. Recalling the TRUE reason that the nightmares cause guilt to drown him in what seemed to be an endless sea.

Why....? Why were these dreams coming up now? Shouldn't he be past this already?

In end of his dreams, Shiramon always always reached out to him. There light fills the building to show the blood chilling scene of Shiramon getting stabbed by a knife which Pumpmon held in his hand. The very same knife he had used to carve faces of the young pumpkin headed kids when he first met the Digi Destinies. Fear and immense shock should've been the emotions that the Halloween themed digimon for injuring one of his dearest friends.

Instead the sound of malice laced laughter escaped the wicked smile that spread across his face. Her pleads and cries for mercy only made his smile grow as wide as a famous villian that never stops laughing. Blue neon data spilled out the chest wound on her digicore.

"P-pumpmon....why...?" Shiramon choked out while blue data spouted from her mouth.

He pulled out the data soaked knife before stabbing her again. Each time he plunged the knife into her body, the more addictive to this pleasure. Despite how terrible he felt inside. After finishing Shiramon off and avenging his fallen friends. The moment he looked up is when his pumpkin head orange color faded into a ghoulish white. All his friends shot him glares of disgust and disappointment. Shiramon digitama never appeared which meant that he actually deleted her.

He never could forget the feeling of hatred when Shiramon targeted his friends just to satisfy the Wrath Sin Code. Though the strange dreams of him desiring to kill her and taking joy in it.

Why would he have these dreams right now? Shiramon was now one of his best friends. There pasts were behind them. Plus she had become a big sisterly figure to him as well as Gammamon and Jellymon too.

Feelings to hurt one who become precious to him made him feel no better then how Shiramon had at that time. Even now, she works hard to redempt herself for all the crimes she had done as a pawn vessel of the sin code. Being a puppet of a scientist digimon who manipluated the lives of many for a result which he seeked.

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