Time Loop Sorrows! Relive a Happy Life

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File after file. Page after page. Searches that would go on countless nights, only to draw out false information and more questions. Clockmon snarled as he crumbled up another lead which proved inaccurate. SIX MONTHS. Six months he began the search to learn more about his partner of his past life. The grandmother of Mei Hoshi and DATS number one information gatherer of the whole originization. All he had to go by was the name of the possibly the coolest human of her time. Her name was Naomi Mikado.

A woman whonalways got the intel that she needed! No matter what!

"Nothing....! NOTHING!! WHY?!" Clockmon demanded as if an invisible being was staring at him. "Nothing! No file with even a shred of information on her! Why?! Why is there nothing?!" Like all the records of the girl had been erased from existance itself.

Truly this was frustrating the machine digimon. He already can't recall his past because he had been reborn! Though to erase all that held any information on someone was major. Just what kind of stuff was Naomi doing for DATS? Serious if it required all her data destroyed after her death.

If only he had been more aware of what was going on with her that day....If only....

Naomi had attacked him, turning him back into a digitama which gotbsent to the Digital World. All as a means to protect him from sharing a similar fate to that human girl. Having a strange virus puppet her lifeless body as a host for years. To learn about their past time together in a previous  life through videos she had left behind. Only after an intense battlex the girl's spirit could finally be free from her cage of a hollow husk. Her last words were given to three people: Mei, Ismaya, and Clockmon himself.

The whole ordeal made Clockmon want to learn more about his previous partner. Sadly with no memories or documents to go on, then there would be no possible way to know anything about Naomi.

Not like he could go to another dimension where Naomi Mikado still existed. Then he could get the chance to know her all over again. Not like he can travek through dimensions.....

Then it dawned on him. He KNEW someone who could help him. Oh why didn't he think of this sooner? The answer was right under his nose the whole time!

He probably should have thought of that earlier now that he thinks about it .

One "Pure" digimon that went by the title "Multiverse Traveling Hero", an oni like digimon named Solisamon. The little sister of Hiro and Gammamon. The light of hers had given Naomi the strength to fight back , destroy the virus once and for all.

He knew that he could count on her. After all..... This was his last hope to know about Naomi... Please....please let this work.

As predicted, Solisamon agreed to his request wholeheartedly. It was not against the rules to go to other digiverses just to visit after all. Solisamon always visited them in her free time anyways. Meeting new lifetime friends and have unforgettable adventures.

The only rule that there would be is that no problems can be brought to the verse being visited. Break that rule and Centuriomon will be ticking mad.

The keeper of time and space never approves of disruptions in time or space no matter the reason. Once he froze someone permentantly in his "Temporal Freeze" just because they altered a fated event.

Best not to anger him if one doesn't want to be a statue or meet his God modes..... This mon is one you do not want to ever anger.... EVER!!!

Not like Clockmon or Solisamon would ever break such a rule. The two wete least likely to do so, thus no need to worry! Though as the two travelled through the portal tunnel, a sudden distorted rift caused the two to get separated.

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