Broken Bonds. Shattered Promises. A lost of Happiness

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Solisamon body began to grow colder as her movements grew even slower. Her lightning which comes her now dull grey horns now were becoming a shade of endless black. Her breathes seemed to be a struggle with each one taken. The teal color that had rekindled in her eyes now looked more of a faded hue. It would not be long till the soulless white color would return. Solisamon still pounded on the purple crystal walls which imprisoned her.

"You still fight? You must really are persistent, I'll give you that. Right now your friends are desperately fighting for you. A BURDEN that is easily put in harm's way shall just lead to their death beds. Prehaps you aren't a true "PURE"  digimon after all since all you seem to leave others with is pain" On it's scheduled time which seems like evey ten minutes. Her inner voice would spout more words of negative as well as doubt in herself.

Solisamon shut her eyes as tightly as possible while ignoring the voice which was her very own. Watering the sprout of doubt that will only bloom into the chaotic flowers of darkness. Pushing away that fear of never being rescued like pushing away a pillow which cramped your body in that uncomfortable position. The verse was taking away her strength to fight back, making her slowly forget why she was struggling so much to began with.

"Must...go..." She repeated to herself to keep up her fighting spirit. Even though she forgot the place she wanted to go to.

The name....What was the name of that place? Where did she belong? She remembers that her friends and family live there, the place itself seemed to have been erased from her mind. Taken to where it seemed to never have existed at all.

How much longer can she hold on to her memories of her brothers and friends till those memories are taken too?

Verses all go by a theme of some kind to maintain a balance of some sort. Quite similar to that of a story genre, many share the same plot id not tweeked a bit but gets holds different themes to make them unique from one another. It be hard to have imagine that this verse had been one where digimon and humans lived in such a luscious floral paradise. Plant themed digimon lived there alongside humans of the world to allow such beauty to remain forever. It was such a wonderful thought that seemed to lean more in reality than rest deep in the dreamland.

Though....NOTHING lasts forever...... All times of peace come to an end when something takes an awful turn. In this case? It all started with a one sole doubt in a child. Believing they couldn't possible help the sacred mission that their verse has done since it came into existence. Speaking of that doubt had spreaded it to more minds that pondered that very thought.

The doubt stored get fragment of negativity till it took shape into the FORIBBEN  essence that manifests to transform any verse into a lifeless ruin of it's former shell of it's self. Contaminating sky, land, hearts of all to strengthen itself. Swallowing all the positivity while crushing all within to  become broken and fade out of existence. Crumbling away the hardwork put into preserving such radiance as if it meant nothing. Throwing away the dreams of the fallen into the vortex that destroys all trace that ever popped up. That is the cruel nature of a FORIBBEN verse. Taking away all that brought joy till all seems helpless in the end.

For this reason is why the CREATOR GODS weep the salty tears of defeat whenever these verse overtake their glorious creations. The sacred treasures that get destroyed without a chance to fight back. The invisible force which toys with the mind and the heart of all who dare step into the chaod. No matter who they are or how powerful they may seem...all fall in end. No one is safe from the terror of the FORIBBEN. It is one foe that nobody has ever been able to stop.

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