Apocalypse of the Corrupted Avatars

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Blues Amanokawa was a prodigy in everything regarding Digimon. Being able to modify their code to make them much stronger than they were before. The true creator of the VR bracelet digivices which he continues to make improvements to aid his family and friends in any digimon related matters. He was just finishing up his latest upgrade on his own digivice, that is till a young oni came knocking on his lab door.

Normally he welcome the visit since he never say no to his newest sibling. Though this visit happened to turn his fairly good mood to bitterly sour extremely fast. Faster than the speed of light. His artificial eye nearly short circuit from the sheer about of rage he felt. Ugh...!! Just when he though he was having one of his rare peaceful days too. His "Most Hated Person" had come back into his life. That person if they passed away and died then Blues wouldn't shed a single tear.

Put it this way. Blues has a far amount of enemies who hate him for helping digimon, or are jealous of the skills he has at his young. Blues would rather be TORTURED, STABBED, BRAINWASHED, DISMEMBERED, BLINDED, POISON, AND MORE than to be in the same room with this man.

He is now mentally cursing himself for not installing that ID scanner that disintegrates all unwanted guests in his lab. Shoots lazers if he is annoyed. Finally those he doesn't want to talk to at all, will be gently escorted out the lab by via drones. He really needs to installed so this would be "his"one and only visit.

Never did Blues expect to get a visit from the backstabbing traitor who nearly robbed him of everything he held dear. JUST WHAT WAS SOLISAMON THINKING BRINGING HIM HERE OF ALL PLACES?!

Hokuto Amanokawa. The man who took him in from the orphanage at age five. Recieving a wonderful gift one year later once Hiro was born. The man who left him for dead, stealing his work as he claimed it to be his own. Later it was revealed that it had been an evil copy of Hokuto while the true good Hokuto remained in the Digital World. Frolicking and sending digimon to the human realm without thinking of the possible dangers that may befell earth. Living carefree as he ignored the countless messes that he left to Hiro and his friends to fix.

How no one called "Child Services" on this man will forever fristrate Blues. He attempted to do so as well but it's hard to explain. "Officers, my adoptive father is getting my dear brother into dangerous situations with digital beings!" No human is willing to believe that so easily. Even if one does believe it then finding Hokuto would be impossible. NOT THAT THE DIGITAL WORLD HAD AN ADRESS TO GIVE TO THE AUTHORITIES.

Hiro nearly losing his life more times than Blues could count.  If only there were a cure for his TM curse. Atlas, there was none. Forgive him Hiro.... He has tried all possible options.

"Solisamon...I made it extremely clear that this "hobo" is not all anywhere near me or my lab within a 200 mile radius. I'm filing the restraining order on Monday" Blues glared daggers at the smiling idiot without a care in the world. Patting Lovimon as his partner hissed away at the man who left her "Precious" Blues for dead.

She love to give him a mental rewrite that all he be able to mutter name. HE WON'T BE ABLE TO READ ONCE SHE FINISHES WITH HIM!! WHY DID SHE AGREE TO SHIRAMON TERMS?!

"Awww come on Son, don't be so cold" Hokuto could not seem to take the hint. Believing Blues was just being stubborn.

"You are NOT my father. I no longer have any ties to you. I only bear your last name as it shows my ties to Hiro" Blues glared yet again. Holding back the rant of curses since Solisamon was in the room.

"Need both of you to save a verse" Solisamon spoke up. Both men quite shocked by her words, a greenish yet blue portal opened behind.

A portal similar and different from her usual ones.

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