Chapter 1

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Y/N's outfit above which she wore to airport.

Here our y/n is sleeping peacefully without caring about anything in the world but seems like someone is not liking this.

Y/N Pov,

I was sleeping peacefully but suddenly I felt myself drowning in water and I woke up screaming.

Y/N: Tsunami!!!! Tsunami!!!!!! 

But then I heard someone laughing and I moved my head towards that direction and saw my sis Disha laughing. I got so mad that she ruined my peaceful sleep and now I am not going to spare her. I took a pillow and threw it in her direction and it hit her head..... yesssss...... now it's a good shot. She turned towards me and said with a slight pout,

Disha: Didu!!!! (pouting slightly)

Y/N: What didu??!! Why you broke my precious sleep. You better have some good reason for it otherwise I will not give you extra pocket money.

Disha: No!! No!! No!! My sweet didu, I am your cute, little sister na, how can you do this me (showing puppy eyes).

Y/N: No, these eyes will not work, just tell me the reason of breaking my sleep.

Disha: Ohhhh!!!!! Yesssss!!!! Didu you will not believe it.

Y/N: What?? Tell me.

Disha: Aarav bhai is coming back!!!!!

Y/N: Whattttt!!!!!!!!!! Bhai is coming backkkkk!!!!!!!

Disha: Yes didu, now go and get ready, we also have to go pick him up from airport.

Y/N go to freshen up. She was wearing a white crop top with cream color pants and white sneakers. 

She then came downstairs to see her dad and mom cooking breakfast together. So sweet!!!! It's been soo many years of their marriage but they never stopped loving each other and also not stop showing affection infront of their kids.

Y/N: Good Morning Mumma Papa 

Mr. and Mrs. Singh : Good Morning beta

Y/N came to living room to see her sis playing games on her phone.

After some time, Mrs. Singh Shouted from kitchen,

Mrs. Singh: Kids!!!!! Come let's have breakfast.

Y/N and Disha: Coming Mumma!!.

At dining table,

Mr. Singh: Lets do breakfast quickly, we also have to pick Aarav from airport.

Y/N and Disha: Yess papa.

At airport,

Y/N: Where is bhai?? He said that his flight landed. Now where is he??

Disha: There he is!!!!

They saw Aarav coming with his luggage in their direction.

Y/N and Disha both ran to him and hugged him tightly and they also teared up a bit after seeing their bhai after soo many years.

Mr. Singh: No one remembers me. You all are hugging without me.

Singh siblings chuckled and ran to their father and hugged him too. Then Aarav touched his feet to take his blessings.

Mr. Singh: Now let's go back otherwise your mom will be angry that we came late. She is soo much excited to meet you.

Aarav: Yesss, Let's go quickly. I also wanna eat her handmade food.

They drove back to their home where Mrs. Singh is waiting for them.

At Singh House,

Mrs. Singh is waiting for them to come back. They got down from the car and came to living room. Aarav touched Mrs. Singh's feet to take her blessing. She teared up seeing her son after soo long.

Mrs. Singh: Now you all wash your hands and Aarav you freshen up and then all come to have their lunch.

They all ate their lunch while talking about all the things Aarav missed and he was telling them about korean lifestyle and his work. After lunch, they all go their rooms to have some rest.

Heyyyyy guyssss!!!!! So this is the first chapter. 

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