Chapter 21

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Wedding Day,

Aarav's POV,

Finally the most awaited day came. I am so happy thinking about that after today Aera will be mine. I will take care of her and will never let her cry or miss her parents. She is leaving her home for me and coming to my house to make it home and that too in an unknown country. I will never ever leave her alone. But for now, I should stop being so nervous, she must be feeling more nervous than me. Okay, so let's not think about future and just focus on present. Everything will be fine. Yess, it will be.

Author's POV,

So Aarav and Aera both are happy and nervous at the same time. Today is the most important day of their life. After today, both of them will be bounded to each other not only for this life but also for their next lives too. 

Everyone is so excited so let's see what are they doing.

In Aera's room,

All girls are helping Aera in getting ready. Y/N and Lisa are doing her makeup. Ruhanika and Jennie are doing her hair. Disha is helping Jisoo and Rosè in getting ready and herself too. 

Aera: Guys please don't make me a ghost. You are doing my makeup for half an hour already.

Y/N: Ohhoo bhabhi, We have to make sure na that bhai will faint after seeing you and also bridal makeup takes time.

Aera: Ok do whatever you want but please don't do much. Aarav will be able to recognize me na in this much makeup??

Jennie: It's not that much Aera, you are thinking much. He will be able to recognize you.

Y/N: Yes bhabhi, for one time, bhai can forget my face but not yours. *laugh*

All girls chuckled hearing her.

Disha: Bhabhi, your makeup is not much, you are looking so pretty.

Lisa: Aarav is gone today.

Aera: *shy* O-okay enough now, do your work guys.

All girls laughed seeing her being all shy. Then they continued getting ready.

Evening time,

Barat has already arrived at the venue but Y/N, Disha and Ruhanika, these three are dancing non stop. Having enough of them, Mrs. Singh shouted,

Mrs. Singh: You three stop dancing otherwise I will cancel the wedding.

Hearing this Aarav panicked.

Aarav: Y/N, Dishu, Ruhi stop dancing now, Kyu meri zindagi pe dance ferna chahte ho.

After some time, they stopped dancing and Aarav was taken to mandap to perform some rituals.

Here boys side team which includes Y/N, Disha and Ruhanika are talking about an important matter and that is..........................

Disha: So we have to stop them from taking shoes away.

Y/N: Yes and don't worry if Taehyung will have the shoes then I will handle him and Disha you will handle Jungkook, but be careful don't be too much involved in your both's bickering and remember our mission is to get the shoes and Ruhi you have to distract Namjoon.

Ruhanika: I will try but he looks so clever, what if he got to know about our plan.

Disha: Ruhi di, don't worry, everything will be fine and we will definitely win.

Now let's see what girls side is planning. Only Taehyung, Jungkook and Namjoon are planning, others don't want to involve in this.

Taehyung: I know their plan, Y/N will be distracting me and Disha will distract Jungkook and Ruhanika will distract you hyung.

Namjoon: But still we have to try not to get distracted.

Jungkook: Yes we will win only, we can't lose from them.

At mandap,

Time for bride to arrive has come and Aera is coming with her brother holding phoolo ki chadar (idk what to call that so.............). Taehyung, Jungkook, Namjoon and Jin are holding that and Jisoo is helping her walk in the heavy lengha of hers. When they reached there, Aarav hold her hand and helped her to come up and then all the rituals started.

Boys side was not able to do anything as Jungkook was so fast in taking the shoes. Seeing him taking the shoes away, Disha ran behind him. When he saw, she was coming behind him, he increased his speed and ran more faster. After some time, both of them stopped and were panting heavily.

Disha: Give me the shoes, kookie.

Jungkook: No, I will not. Do whatever you want.

Disha: You sure??

Ruhanika was hiding there, waiting for perfect moment to get her hands on the shoes.

Jungkook: What will you do, miss. chipkali.

Disha: Now you will see, what will I do mister bandar.

Saying this, Disha pulled him with full force and kissed him right on his lips. Jungkook and Ruhanika both were shocked. After few seconds, Ruhi came to here senses and take the shoes away from Jungkook. Jungkook who was not in his senses, his grip loosened on the shoes making it easy for Ruhi to take them. She ran so fast after taking the shoes away. In her way, she bumped into Namjoon and both of them fell down.

Namjoon saw she was having shoes in her hands, that means Jungkook failed and now he have to get them. Ruhi was focusing somewhere else and taking this as an opportunity, he took the shoes away from her hold but stopped hearing her sob. He turned and saw her sobbing while holding her hand. He then saw her hand was bleeding so much. Then he understood that the surface was rough there and he didn't put his hands while landing on the floor so he is not injured but she is and that too so much. He threw away the shoes and went to help her.

Namjoon: Ruhi, let's go and treat this wound.

Then they both went away from there leaving the shoes there. Disha was finding Ruhi when she saw that the shoes were in the hallway and no one was near them. Before she could get to them, someone else picked them up and that was .................................... Taehyung. Seeing him getting the shoes, Disha made a sad face and Jungkook a happy one. Jungkook came there and back hugged Disha and said to Taehyung,

Jungkook: Hyung, you run away from here. I will handle this chipkali.

Disha: You bandar, how dare you to call me chipkali.

Jungkook ran away from there and Disha too ran behind him. Taehyung chuckled seeing them fighting like tom and jerry even after confessing their love. He turned back to go away from there but saw Y/N standing there looking at him with her puppy eyes meaning to give her the shoes.

Taehyung: No, not today, I will not come into your trap.

(Author: No, not today. Eonjenga kkocheun jegetji ~).

Y/N: Please Tae.

Taehyung: No Y/N, I will not give you the shoes.

Y/N: So let's make a deal, you will give me the shoes and I will........................................................

Hope you like this chapter.

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