Chapter 9

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Morning Time,

Elders were sitting in living room and youngsters were in the backyard.

Mrs. Kim: Mrs. Singh, should we decide the marriage date now??

Mrs. Singh: Yes, I will talk to pandit ji today and will tell you about it then.

Mrs. Kim: We should also ask kids if they want a Indian wedding or Christian one.

Mrs. Singh: Yea, we should also ask this as Indian weddings last for 3-4 days so we will have to do so much preparation.

Mr. Singh: Yea and we also have to distribute the wedding cards and also contact wedding planners.

Mr. Kim: Don't take much tension, we will do everything.

Mrs. Kim: Umm.... Ahmmm *clears throat* Mrs. Singh??

Mrs. Singh: Yes what happened Mrs. Kim, do you need water??

Mrs. Kim: No, I just want to ask you something.

Mrs. Singh: Yes you can tell us.

Mrs. Kim: Y/N is such a sweet child, right??

Mr. Singh: Yes she is and also she is innocent. But why are you telling this to us??

Mrs. Kim: Actually I want to ask Y/N's hand for marriage with Taehyung. *nervously*

After a few minutes of silence........

Mrs. Singh: That's great, I also liked Taehyung for our Y/N and decided to talk about it with you after engagement but you asked first. *chuckled*

Mrs. Kim: Thank god!!!! But we also have to ask our kids about it.

Mr. Kim: We will ask them at lunch.

Mrs. Singh: I was thinking if they both agreed then we will also ask about their engagement date from pandit ji.

Mrs. Kim: That would be great but for now let's ask them also focus on Aarav and Aera's wedding.

Mr. Singh: I am asking pandit ji about it.

Then he went to make a call to pandit ji. Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Singh were also happy and hoping that their children would agree.

In Backyard,

Here everyone is as usual teasing Aarav and Aera.

Jungkook: Now that you engagement is done, soon your marriage will also be done as now Aarav hyung can't stay away from you and then you will leave all of us. *dramatic voice*.

Taehyung: Yea, then after you leave who will take care of my room, it will always be a mess, whom will I irritate?? *fake crying*.

Aera was looking at both of them with done face, it's nothing new for her as they are always this dramatic. They were blabbering continuously and she sign everyone to leave quietly from there. When they saw that no one was there, they stopped being embarrassed and also came inside.

At lunch,

Mrs. Singh: I want to say... no no ask Y/N something.

Y/N: Yes mumma, tell me, what happened??

Mrs. Singh: Beta, you know na that me and your papa always think about your good, right??

Y/N: Yes mumma, I know, you and papa can never think any bad for me.

Mrs. Singh: So beta we have decided something for you and hope you will agree with us.

Y/N: Mumma tell me what happened, why are you so nervous??

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