Chapter 15

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Author's POV,

Everyone was silent in the living room after everything Mrs. Singh said. Mr. Singh knew that all of these are true and he is also at the fault because he never stood up for his children in this matter. Mrs. Singh was still crying and the siblings were hugging her. Mr. Singh felt guilty and he looked down and said.

Mr. Singh: I know that I should have supported you all, my kids........... but I didn't and that was my mistake and now I am regretting it so please forgive your papa. I never thought that their words had this deep effect on you. I thought that your cousins were just teasing you like normally cousins do and about my brother and sister, I thought they just wanted you to be happy in your life that's why they wanted to choose the girl for Aarav.

He was in tears by now and his voice was cracking. He took a deep breath and then said.

Mr. Singh: And about them not liking Aera, I thought they were doing all of this because they wanted Aarav to marry a girl of our religion. I never thought that they were planning all this. If I knew, I would have shutted their mouths already and never invited them for the wedding. I am sorry... so sorry. *crying*.

Singh family was in tears and Y/N went towards Mr. Singh and hugged and then said.

Y/N: No papa, please don't cry and please don't say sorry. It was not your fault. You never thought that your brother and sister would do something like this. *crying while hugging Mr. Singh*.

Mr. Singh: Still beta, it was my fault, directly or indirectly. *crying*.

Disha, Aarav and Mrs. Singh went towards them and all did a family hug.

Disha: Don't worry papa, now we will teach them in our way. Mumma already gave us permission.

Then they all talked for some more time and went to their rooms to get rest.

Y/N came inside her room but all of sudden, someone pushed her on the wall and pinned her and locked the door.

Taehyung: Where were you baby?? I was waiting for you.

Y/N: Tae, please leave me, someone will come.

Taehyung: No no no no, this will not work now. Everyone is sleeping and I have already locked the door.

Taehyung: Now let me love my beautiful girlfriend properly. I have not even kissed you till now.

He switched off the lights and sat on the bed with her on his laps. Her back was touching his chest and he was hugging her tightly. There was a peaceful silence.

Y/N was thinking that she should tell him about her feelings now. She knew that she will not get the chance again if she will leave it now because it took her 2 months to gather up this much courage and she will not waste it like this.

She broke the peaceful silence and said.

Y/N: Tae...

Taehyung: Hmm, what happened, love??

Y/N: Tae, I want to tell you something.

Taehyung: Yes, say. *looking into her eyes*.

Y/N: Tae..... I......I..Lo......

Taehyung: You what love?? 

He was looking into her eyes which were hypnotizing him and he was deep in the ocean of her eyes. He knew what she wanted to tell him and was waiting to hear those 3 words from her.

Y/N: Tae I you. 

He was on the ninth cloud hearing this and showed his boxy smile and said.

Taehyung: I love you too, love.

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