Chapter 34

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Jennie and Aera: She is.......... pregnant.

Jin: WHAT??? I mean how??

Jennie: That you should know, how can we know what you two did. *rolled her eyes*

Jin *embarrassed*: Umm....... I mean to say......... I AM SOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone present there: US TOO!!!!!!

Disha: What about Didu and Jiju?? Should we tell them about this now??

Mrs. Singh: We will tell them tomorrow. Let them enjoy their night.

At Farm House,

Taehyung and Y/N reached the farm house. It was decorated so beautifully and was giving romantic vibes. Taehyung came out from the car and then went to the other side to open the door for Y/N and to help her walk because her lengha is heavy.

Taehyung: Let me help you.

He said and took Y/N in bridal style, who was shocked to see him carrying her.

Y/N: Taehyung please put me down. I must be heavy because of this lengha.

Taehyung: You are not. Now shut your mouth or I will shut it in my own way and also no one is here to save you from me.

Y/N *dramatically crying*: Ahhhh!!! Someone save me from this tiger.

Taehyung *giggling*: No one can save you from me.

Then both of them went inside. Y/N wanted to explore the place but she was so tired so Taehyung directly took her to their bedroom.

Taehyung *putting her on the bed*: Okay so clothes are in bathroom, now you go and freshen up.

Y/N: Where will you freshen up then??

Taehyung: Want to me freshen up with you, darling?? *deep voice*

Y/N: I..... I was not sa.... saying that.

Taehyung *laughing*: Baby this farm house have 2-3 bathrooms so I will go and freshen up in one of them.

Y/N nodded and went to bathroom and Taehyung took his clothes chuckling and shaking his head and went to another room to freshen up.

After 15 minutes,

Taehyung came in the room and saw Y/N is still in the bathroom. He sat on bed and started playing with his phone. Another 15 minutes passed but Y/N didn't come out till now. He was going towards bathroom door to knock and ask her if she is having any problem or not. He then knocked on the door.

Taehyung: Y/N, what are doing inside for so long?? You need any help??

Y/N: No I don't , I am coming out in a few minutes.

Taehyung: Okay.

After 5 minutes, he heard bathroom door opened and Y/N came out wearing his white shirt which was reaching till her mid thigh region. She pulling the shirt down as if it will make it longer. Taehyung saw her looking down with red cheeks and nervous face. He went towards her and hold her hand and took her to couch. He made her sat on his lap. She was still looking down fidgeting with her fingers with a nervous look on her face. He made her look into his eyes by keeping his finger on her chin.

Taehyung: You are looking so hot, cute and sexy in my shirt. *deep voice*

Y/N: T.... thank you.

Taehyung: But there were also my shorts there, why didn't you wear them??

Y/N: They are loose on me and they don't have strings too.

Taehyung: Okay but then why are you this nervous??

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