Chapter 2

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Evening Time,

Author's POV,

Here everyone (except Mr. and Mrs. Singh) is sitting in garden enjoying snacks and also talking about their life. Ruhanika and her elder brother Nishant also came to meet Aarav. Everyone is talking but there is someone who is busy in his phone talking to someone important, I mean very important and that someone is non other than Aarav.

Disha's POV,

Here we all are sitting in garden and talking but why is bhai on his phone?? Is that person with whom he is texting more important than us?? Haaawwww!!!! Okay disha now stop over reacting and let's see with whom bhai is talking while smiling and...................... blushing !!!!!! 

Author's POV,

Then Disha stand behind her brother quitely. Others also saw this but she gestured them to stay quite and continue talking. 

Disha's POV,

Now I am standing behind bhai, let's see who is this person who is making my bhai blush.. I saw him talking to someone named........ Love!!!!!!!!!!! Oooooooo he is talking to my bhabhi but whos is she and why he never told us about her. Let's ask him only.

Aarav's POV,

Here I am talking to the love of my life, my girlfriend. But then Disha said something..

Disha: Bhaiii *in singing voice, with a teasing smile*

Shittttt!!!!!! I guess she saw my chats with my love. Ahhhhh!!! Now they all are gonna tease so much.

Me: Yes Disha, What happened, you need something??

Disha: Yess bhai, now tell me with whom are you texting?? *teasing voice*

Me: J..just with a f..friend *nervous*

Disha: Ooooo, I didn't know that we can save our friend's number as love also. *smirking*

Me: U...ummmm a..abbbb *nervous*

Me: Yessss you are thinking right.

Disha: Really!!!!!! Oh my god!!!! Yessss!!!!

Then Y/N asked,

Y/N: What are you both whispering??

Disha: Bhai has a gf *saying like it's the most casual thing ever*

Y/N: Whatttt!!!! Bhai!!!! Why you never told us about this??

Me: Hehe.... I was going to tell you all after some days but now Disha saw me so I am telling you now.

Y/N: Bhaiii we are soo happy, but tell us more about our bhabhi *excited*

Me: She is korean, we were in same class during university and also her parents know about us and now you all also. I just have to tell this to mumma and papa.

Ruhanika: We all will help you in telling this to uncle and aunty, now tell us who proposed first??

Me: I did *shy*.

Author's POV,

They continued teasing him and his sisters were happy that their bhai has a gf, they got their bhabhi.

Little did they know that someone was hearing them.

At Night,

Everyone is having their dinner while talking and laughing. Then suddenly Mr. Singh asked Aarav,

Mr. Singh: Aarav beta, a marriage proposal came for you. She is my friend's daughter and they like you for her so they are coming tomorrow to meet us.

Singh sisters looked at him shocked and Aarav chocked on his food. Disha gave him water and then he said,

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