Chapter 26

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Mrs. Kim: It all happened because of you.

Mr. Kim: What happened because of me?? What did I even do??

Mrs. Kim: You were the one who screamed your lungs out and scared me.

Mr. Kim: But yo....... *cutted off by Mrs. Kim*

Mrs. Kim: Huh, were you saying something?? *raised eyebrows*

Mr. Kim: No I was just saying that I am sorry, it was my fault.

Aera: Eomma appa stop it. *hugged Mr. Kim*

Aarav: Okay eomma appa we will go now, you both can continue your movie and we will talk tomorrow morning.

Mrs. Kim: Yes, we will talk tomorrow. Who wants to watch that movie huh, it was so bad. The who chose to watch that movie must be a dumb person.

Saying this, she went to bed and slept. Mr. Kim looked at her with done face.

Mr. Kim: She was the one who wanted to watch it. *mumbled under his breath*

Then he turned to Aarav and Aera.

Mr. Kim: You both should also sleep now, it's so late.

Both of them nodded and left to Aera's room to sleep.

Outside Jungkook's Room,

Author's POV,

Disha was really shocked when she opened the door of his room. She saw Jungkook wore a big scarf like a saree and was dancing on munni badnaam hui. She was trying her best not to make any sound while laughing. But she bursted out laughing when she saw him doing the hook up step.( Disha's thought: Yea, he called himself munni on sangeet's day, I guess he didn't came out of that character *silent laugh*).

Jungkook, who was enjoying himself, frowned when he heard Disha's laugh (he didn't see her till now), he thought he was just hallucinating but when he heard her laugh louder this time, he turned and saw her standing on his room's door and laughing holding her stomach which was aching from laughing too much. His eyes widened when he realized that she was really here and she saw him dancing on this song and that too when he was wearing a scarf in a form of saree.

He put his right hand on her mouth and pulled her and with left hand he pulled her suitcase and locked the door and pinned her to the wall holding both of her hands above her. When Disha realized their closeness she stopped laughing and her cheeks turned crimson red. Jungkook removed that scarf and smirked at her face. He moved closer to her face and Disha closed her eyed thinking that he will kiss her but he turned to her ear and whispered.

Jungkook: Were you expecting me to kiss you, darling?? *deep voice*

Hearing his deep voice she blushed more but she then focused on his words and understood that he is teasing her. She tried to push him but you think that she can push our muscle bunny.. nah nah she can't. Jungkook pulled her more closer by wrapping his arms around her waist. She was wearing a crop top so she shivered when his hands touched her bare waist.

Jungkook: Tell me, were you expecting me to kiss you when you were laughing at me, huh??!!! *pouted*

Disha was shocked at her man's duality, like a few seconds ago he was being all hot, sexy and dominant and now looking at him is like looking at a baby. Jungkook chuckled at her expressions.

Jungkook: You have to bear with this duality for your whole life, m'lady.

(M'lady, any ladybug fans here??)

Disha: Ahem *clears throat* We should sleep now, it already so late.

Jungkook: Not so fast.

Saying this, he pulled her and crashed his lips on her and started kissing her passionately and roughly. After kissing her for some good minutes, he left her. Both were breathing heavily.

Disha: N.. now should we go to sl.. eep??

Jungkook: Okay, let's go you must be so tired after the journey.

Disha hummed and both of them cuddled and slept.

Next Day,

Mrs. Kim is preparing breakfast and Mr. Kim is also helping her though there are maids who can do all this but she wants to prepare breakfast for all of them as they came here for the first time except Aarav and Aera. 

Aera came to the kitchen and saw them preparing breakfast.

Aera: Good Morning Eomma, Good Morning Appa.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim: Good Morning Dear.

Mrs. Kim: You should have slept for some more time, you travelled for so long, just go and rest. I will call you when the breakfast will be ready.

Aera: I am fine eomma but why are you doing this, maids can do this. Why are you tiring yourself??

Mrs. Kim: I am not tiring myself and besides Y/N, Disha and Ruhanika came here for the first time so I just wanted to make food for them myself.

Aera: Okay if that's what you want but if you feel tired then let the maids handle.

Mrs. Kim: I will not and also your appa is here to help me, right yeobo??

Aera and Mrs. Kim turned their head to Mr. Kim who was doing his work looking down.

Aera: What happened appa?? Why are you not looking at us??

As Aera said that, Mr. Kim looked towards them and Aera gasped at his face.

Aera: Appa why are you crying??

Mr. Kim: I am not *sniff* crying dear. I am just cutting these onions. 

Aera: Appa if you can't then just tell the maids to do it.

Mr. Kim: Your eomma is really scary and who will refuse after seeing her bombastic side eye. *whispers*

Mrs. Kim: I am here only and I can hear too. *glaring at Mr. Kim* What were you saying, huh??

Mr. Kim gulped seeing her and started laughing nervously.

Mr. Kim: Ahhh yeobo, I was just telling her that you are a master chef. Your cooking is so amazing. *nervously*

Mrs. Kim: Yeobo, Aera is our child and she was living with us till her marriage so it's obvious that she knows about my cooking. There was no need for you to tell her that.

Mr. Kim: Ab.....bmmm....uhmmm

Mrs. Kim: Can't even make a good excuse. *shakes her head*

Mrs. Kim: Now Aera you go and see Aarav if needs something and then rest too, it will take time to make the breakfast and you (Mr. Kim)!!!

Mr. Kim who was trying to escape from the kitchen stopped hearing her voice.

Mrs. Kim: Come back here and cut these onions and then I will tell you your next work and do it fastly.

Mr. Kim started doing his work after hearing her dangerous voice. Aera shook her head seeing her eomma appa still like their old selves. They never changed, they were always like this. Mrs. Kim always ordered Mr. Kim and he also never complained but that does not mean that they didn't love each other, they both love each other so much. It was love marriage between them and both of their families were against it but they never left each other's side and proved their love to their families who accepted them after some time.

She then left to her room to take rest for some more time as she was still tired from the journey.

What do you think about Mr. and Mrs. Kim's relation??

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