Chapter 25

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Y/N is trying so hard to find the direction to Taehyung's room but she is not able to understand the directions on the map. She saw a maid was passing by her so she stopped her and said.

Y/N: Can you please take me to Taehyung's room??

Maid: ...................................................

But what can that poor maid say, she doesn't understand english.

Y/N: Ohh, you don't speak english. *trying to make her understand by actions*

Maid: *nodded*

Y/N: So.......... ummm............ Taehyung's room??

Finally after trying for some minutes, maid understood that she wanted to go to Taehyung's room. So she took her there and left after bowing. Y/N was standing infront of the door staring at it, her heart was beating so fast as it's been more than a month they saw each other. After few minutes, she tried to open the door expecting it to be locked but to her surprise the door was open. She entered inside the room. She saw no one was inside. She wondered where is he at this time, it already so dark outside so where is he??

Then she saw bathroom's lights were on so she understood that he was inside bathroom. Then she heard bathroom's door opened and saw Taehyung looking so sleepy, standing with his eyes closed. He directly went to the bed and laid down and slept. Y/N also laid beside him. After admiring him for 15 minutes, she felt so much sleepy so she gave him a peck on his lips and cuddled him and slept.

Outside Jungkook's Room,

Disha's POV,

He might be sleeping so now I will sneak in quietly and then sleep next to him and in the morning when he will wake up and sees me, I will shout surprise. It's perfect. Huh!! my plan is always perfect. *hair flip*

Author's POV,

Now who will tell our Disha that she will get a surprise instead of giving one. She happily opened the door and went in. But to her surprise, what she saw really shocked her.

Outside Namjoon's Room,

Ruhanika's POV,

I am standing outside his room for 5 minutes now but not have the courage to go inside. Oh god!!! why am I like this!!??? Okay so Ruhi, why are being so nervous, it's not like he will be awake, it's past midnight now so he must sleeping na. So, now we will go inside in 3...... 2...... 1.

Author's POV,

She opened the door expecting darkness inside the room indicating that he is sleeping but she was welcomed by brightness and she saw all lights were on and Namjoon was on his study table reading some files.

Ruhanika's thought: Ohh so even after me lecturing him for hours telling him to take care of his health and sleep early, he is not minding my words and working till now. I have to be strict now, yes, I will not melt easily today.

With strong determination, she turned in his direction to call him with coldest voice possible for her to say.

Ruhanika: Mr. Kim Namjoon. *sternly*

Namjoon, who was so much focused on the files, didn't even noticed that someone came in his room, was startled by her voice.

Namjoon: Y........ you, Ruh how...... wh.... what, I mean are you really here?? *coming closer to her*

Ruhanika: Yes, I am here. I thought of surprising you only to find you not following my words. *glaring at him*

Namjoon: Ab.. mmm it's not like that Ruh. *nervous*

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