Chapter 16

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Next Morning,

Author's POV,

Here our Y/N and Taehyung are sleeping peacefully without any worries. But..... but....... but Do you think that they were sleeping together, this thing will remain as a secret from everyone, so no, it will not be. Let me tell you all what happened.


Disha's POV,

I woke up so early today and now I am going to Y/N didu's room. If she will be sleeping then I will also sleep there and if not then we both will irritate bhai together *hehe* *evil smile*.

I came to her room and the door was locked but why is it locked then I went to take spare keys and came back to her and opened the door and saw............ omfgfghbmdscejbdhgedbvsfjgwhbgjhbcvged.................................................

Y/N and Jiju are sleeping together, cuddling. Awwww, so cute!!!!!!!!!

But wait, didu was never fond of skinships that much then................. Is she my didu only???!!!!!!!!! Did the aliens abducted her??!!!!!! Oh noo!!!!!!!!!! Yahhhhhh!!!!! Disha what are thinking huh??!!!! Stop thinking these things and let's leave quitely from here otherwise they will wake up.

But................. How can I let leave them this easily. Let me click their pics then I will show this to everyone and then we all will tease them together. *evil smile*.


Author's POV,

So then Disha clicked their pics while they were cuddling and sleeping and left from there. 

Taehyung's POV,

I am sleeping but wait............ what's this on me....... I opened my eyes and saw................ My love, My life, My Y/N, My everything, but why is she sleeping on me and what is she doing in my room.... Wait!!!!!!!!!!!! Am I again hallucinating her?? Nah, Why will I now?? I am in India and she is also here then there's no chance.

Oh  yeah, now I remember, I came in her room last night to meet and talk with her and then we both slept here only. Aishhh Taehyung!!!! Leave these things and focus on Y/N. How can someone look this beautiful while sleeping. She is seriously doing something with me and my heart. But I am liking that. I can never get tired of watching her. I promise that I will take care of this girl and love her with my whole life. I will never leave her in any condition. I will always support her and she never ever will feel that she is alone. She is my love, my life, my everything. I can never afford to lose her. 

Author's POV,

While Taehyung was thinking all these, our Y/N woke up and saw that she was in Taehyung's arms and he was holding her protectively, like someone will take her away if he lose his grip even a bit. She saw that he was thinking something very deeply.

Y/N's POV,

I woke up and saw that I was in Taehyung's arms and he was holding me tightly and securely. But what is he thinking so deeply?? I tap on his cheeks and he came out of his dreamland and smiled and greeted me Good Morning in a very cheerful voice. Aishh!!!! His boxy smile. I fell in love with him all over again.

Author's POV, 

Then they both were in their la la la land, dreaming about each other but they came back to their senses when they heard a knock on the door.

Disha: (from outside): Didu wake up, it's 8 already, everyone is waiting for you at dining table. Come fast otherwise I will start eating and also wake up jiju too and then you both come downstairs fastly. 

She said the the last line in low voice so that only Y/N and Taehyung can listen to it. 

When they heard her saying that, they were shocked that how did she come to know about this. Y/N was thinking that the door was surely locked then how did she come inside!!!! Ohhh noo!!! She must have came to her room early in the morning and saw that her door was locked and then used the spare keys to unlock it. Oh noo!!!!!!!!!! Now they are going to tease them a lot.

Taehyung saw Y/N's expressions and laughed and said.

Taehyung: Why are worrying so much baby, she can just tell this to everyone.

Y/N: That's the problem, then everyone especially she and Ruhi will tease me a lot.

Taehyung: But now we can not do anything so let them tease. Their time will also come and then we both will take our revenge and tease them soo much that they will regret teasing us, okay?

Y/N: Uhh... umm..... okay, but still I will avoid them. I will go to my boutique but no it's closed. Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!! Why is this happening with me??!!!!!!!!!! Waeeee!!!!!!!!!!

Then after all this and some more drama, they both went to freshen up in their respective rooms and came downstairs to see elders were talking in living room. They greeted them and went to dining room to have their breakfast.

Disha, Aarav, Aera, Ruhanika, Yoongi, Jennie, Jimin, Rose and Lisa having their breakfast. They both sat at the empty seats and started having their breakfast. Disha smiled teasing seeing them and Y/N saw her. Y/N saw Disha was dancing her phone in the air and saw that it was the pic of her and Tae when they were cuddling. Y/N chocked on her food and started coughing. Taehyung was sitting beside her. He gave her a glass of water and she drank that. Then he said.

Taehyung: Why are eating so fast??? The food is not going anywhere so eat slowly otherwise you will chock again. *little stern voice*.

When Y/N saw him being serious then she gulped the water and nodded agreeing to his words. Disha, Aarav and Ruhi were happy seeing them. Now they will not worry about her, his/her sister/ best friend anymore. They know that Taehyung will take good care of her.

Then they all had their breakfast and came to living to see elders were still talking there and youngsters were outside in the backyard. Everything was so peaceful.

Disha was searching for something in her car but then someone came and pulled her hair. She looked behind and saw Jungkook standing there with cheeky smile. She looked at him with a done face and locked her car and started going from there. Bunny was standing there confused that why is she ignoring him. But she came back there again and hit him on his head and ran from there. 

Jungkook started chasing her and she was running all around the garden. They both were running, smiling, teasing each other.

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