Chapter 10

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Y/N: Taehyung....................  I am not uncomfortable with you.

Taehyung was relieved hearing this. He loved her and want to show her affection but if it makes her uncomfortable, he will stop doing this. But he was happy that at least she is not uncomfortable with him.

Taehyung: Then why you always running away from me when ever I hold you??

Y/N: It's j... just that someone m... might come.

Taehyung: Okay, I get it now, you are shy I know this but didn't know this much shy but that's fine. What matters to me is that atleast you are not feeling uncomfortable with me. And I will try my best to make you fall in love with me too.

(Author: Now who will tell our Taetae that she is already in love with him).

Taehyung: You didn't forced yourself to say Yes because of anyone. right??

Y/N: No, No one forced me, it was my own decision. And also I.... I....

Taehyung: You what??

Y/N's POV,

Just say it Y/N that you love him. Arghh my shy ass is not letting me do it.

Taehyung: What happened?? You okay??

Just say it na, No no no I can't. I will tell him later.

Taehyung: *snapped his fingers in front of her face* Y/N, you ok na??

Y/N: Ye.... yes, Taehyung I am ok. Vo mumma was calling me so I have to go now.

Then she left from there leaving him in confusion that what had happened to her. He shrugged it off because he know that she is shy and it will take her time to open up to him to talk about her feelings freely. Then he also left from there to backyard.

Here our Disha who was coming behind Y/N saw all this and was happy that Taehyung was not forcing her didu. She also took some pics of both of them to tease them with those pics later on. They were looking so cute in those pics. She too left from there to tell this to Aarav and Ruhanika. They will be happy to know that Taehyung is not forcing his sister and her best friend.

Evening time,

The wedding will be after 2 months and Kim family and their friends will go back to korea tomorrow evening so now all youngsters decided to roam around in the streets and enjoy the street food. They decided to go in groups.

First group- Aarav, Aera, Jin, Jisoo.

Second group- Y/N, Taehyung, Yoongi, Jennie.

Third group- Disha, Jungkook, Hoseok, Lisa.

Fourth group- Ruhanika, Namjoon, Jimin, Chaeyoung.

Taehyung's POV,

We all decided to try some Indian street food today. I was with my Y/Nie, Yoongi hyung and Jennie noona were also with us. Y/N dragged us to a stall and pointed to the dish and said that it's so tasty, we all should try this. She said something like pan.... panipu.... panipuri yea, it's panipuri. She showed us how to eat it, it was looking so delicious. She then fed me one. It was so tasty but wait... it's spicy..... I can't tolerate spice but she was feeding me so I can tolerate it for a few minutes for her happiness.

She fed me one more and now I can't tolerate it. It's sooo spicy. How can people eat this?? I started coughing and my throat my burning up because of spice. Y/N saw me and she was panicking so much. She went somewhere and came back running with a water bottle. I drank it in one go.

Y/N: Are you ok?? *panicking*

Me: Yea, I am. I can't tolerate spicy food much.

Y/N: so why didn't you told me?? I could have fed you the sweeter one.

Taehyung: *came closer to her* You were looking so happy feeding me so how can I deny?? *deep voice*

Y/N: *shy* Bu... but still you co... could have t.... told me.

She then fed me the sweeter one, I was denying at first but seeing her cute face, I couldn't deny, so I ate that. It......... was................. so........... tasty!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who will eat that spicier flavor when they can have this sweet one. I ate 3-4 more and after this, she made sure that everything I eat was not spicy. I couldn't eat a few things but she told me that she will make them less spicier for me at home. Hearing this, I was so happy. Chocolate balls started blasting in my heart. She will make them for me *shy*. For the first time, I will eat her handmade food.

Then after enjoying and roaming around a bit more, we all came back home. And as she promised, she made them for me. And trust me, her cooking is soo good, like it was one of the best cooking. Then she was doing the dishes and a naughty idea came into my mind and I went towards her and back hugged her.

She was beetroot red and her movements came to halt. I was enjoying back hugging her. She then said.

Y/N: T... tae... taehyung someone will come, leave me. *stuttering*

I put my chin on her shoulder, my breath was hitting her ear and I could feel her shiver. I love my effect on her. Then I said

Me: No one will come baby, everyone slept. 

She then again started doing the dishes. When she finished, I pinned her to the wall and kept my hands on the wall, trapping her in between me and the wall so that she can not escape. She looks like a tomato right now, My cute tomato, I wanna bite her red cheeks. Then I said.

Me: You made such tasty dishes for me so I must give you a reward.

Y/N: T... there's no n... need of giv.. giving me a re.... reward. *stuttering and shy*

Me: No, I want to give you a reward and I will surely give it.

Then I came more closer to her face and pulled her towards me more and placed my lips on her cheek just beside her lips. I saw her eyes widened and now she was more red that beetroot *internally chuckled*. I kept my lips there for some good seconds and gave a peck on her another cheek and left saying," Tell me if you want to have a reward". *smirk*.

She stood there froze and I left after glancing at her for the last time.

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