Chapter 14

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At Singh's Mansion,

Mr. and Mrs. Singh are sitting in living room. Mrs. Singh is checking the guest's list once again and Mr. Singh is contacting the wedding planners. They want their son have to have a grand wedding. 

(I know it's normally girl's side doing all the wedding arrangements but as Kim's don't know about Indian rituals so Singh's are doing this).

Aarav also came early today and Disha is working in home's office room. 

Y/N, Kim family and friends also reached soon. Y/N got out of the car and said.

Y/N: So, I will call bhai to come outside and we all have to hide and only bhabhi will be standing in front of bhai and I am sure he will rub his eyes to check if he is hallucinating so at that time bhabhi you have to come to us quietly and I will stand in your place. Okay??

Everyone: Okay!!!! *whisper cheer*.

Y/N dialed Aarav's number and told him to come outside.

On phone,

Y/N: Bhai, come outside please.

Aarav: Why?? What happened??

Y/N: Bhai stop asking questions and come outside and help me.

Aarav: Okay okay, I am coming.

As planned, Aarav came outside and everyone hide themselves. He frowned not finding Y/N. Then someone tapped him on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Aera, his love, but what is she doing here, she must in korea right now. They were supposed to come a week later or.... he heard something wrong??? He is soo much confused right now. What is His Aera doing here?? 

Aera chuckled looking at his expressions and gave a peck to his lips and as Y/N said he rubbed his eyes and Aera and Y/N were fast enough to change their places. He opened his eyes to see Y/N standing in front of him looking at him with confused expressions. She said.

Y/N: What happened bhai?? Why are you rubbing your eyes?? *fake confused face*.

Aarav: Vo..... ahmmm........., Nothing happened and y.... yeah, something fell in my eyes so that's why I was rubbing my eyes. *confused and slightly embarrassed*.

Y/N: Okay, so now if you have removed that thing from your eyes then come and help me.

Aarav: But with what??

Y/N: Oofffoo bhai, you ask so many questions, just help me with all this luggage.

Aarav: But whose luggage is this?? How many people came here??

Y/N: Not much, just 14 people. *innocent smile*.

Aarav: Whattttttttttt?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 14 people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who are they?? If they are our relatives then tell them that Kim family will be living here so they can't be here.

Hearing his loud scream, Mr. and Mrs. Singh, Disha came outside to see what is happening. 

Mrs. Singh: What happened Aarav?? Why you screamed so loudly?? *confused*.

Aarav: Mumma she is telling me that 14 of our relatives will be living here for my marriage. 

Mr. Singh: So what's the problem in that?? They can also live here. And it must be bhai, they told me that they will come a week before.

Y/N, Aarav, Disha and Mrs. Singh: Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Singh flinched badly hearing  all of them screaming so loudly.

Mr. Singh: What happened??

Mrs. Singh: Now you are asking us this?? *raised eyebrows* Why didn't you told us about your brother will come here, huh??

Mr. Singh: What is there to tell you all?? He is my brother so he will come here only na. *casually*

Y/N: No papa, they can not live here.

Mr. Singh: But why?? What's the reason??

Disha: They just can't papa. Try to understand.

Mr. Singh: I know you all don't get well with your cousins but we can't just deny them to stay here and also your buaji is also coming.

He dropped another bomb on them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aarav: Papa but they can't stay here as Kim family and friends will also come here.

Mr. Singh: In that case, Kim's can live at our guest house.

Y/N: No papa, Kim's will live here only for bhai's marriage.

Mr. Singh: But your tauji is already here, we just can't tell him to go back. (Tauji means father's elder brother).

Y/N: And who said that tauji is here??

Aarav: But Y/N you only told me that our relatives came. *confused*.

Y/N: But they are not our only relatives. *sigh* All of you, now come outside.

Kim family and friends who were hiding came outside and everyone was happy + shocked. 

Kim family and friends: Surprise!!!!!!!

Singh's welcomed them and told the servants to keep their luggage in their room and Mrs. Singh told everyone to freshen themselves till then the dinner will be prepared. Y/N, Disha and Aarav also went to help her. Mr. Singh was talking to Mr. Kim about business. All came downstairs after freshening up and Mrs. Singh called them for dinner.

Mrs. Singh: So Y/N, you knew about this from the start then why didn't you told us??

Disha: Mumma if didu would have told us this beforehand then it wouldn't have been a surprise??

Mrs. Singh: But still, I could have prepared something special for them.

Aarav: And now papa, tauji and buaji will live in the guest house only. *tight lipped smile*.

Mrs. Singh: Aarav, we will take about this after dinner.

Then everyone ate their dinner and Mrs. Kim signed everyone to leave as she can sense that some personal family talks need to be done so they all left. Only Singh family is in the living room.

Mrs. Singh: My decision will be final and no one will say anything.

Mrs. Singh: So my decision is that your (mr. singh) brother and sister will live at guest house only.

Mr. Singh: But they ar...... *cut off*

Mrs. Singh: I already told you na that my decision will be final and I don't want those people around my kids all the time. You also know how they taunt Y/N and Disha and I will not tolerate it anymore. *sternly*.

Mrs. Singh: You also now na that they don't want Aarav to be a doctor and want him to be the next heir of your company and they don't want Disha to be the heir because their thinking is still of 80-90s people and also the same about Y/N too. Now that my kids are more successful then theirs, they are jealous of them and want their downfall. They never once thought good about my kids, always torturing with their words, always forcing my daughters to marry and that too with a boy of same thinking like them so that my daughters will not be able to work and then they will happy seeing my daughters suffering. *cracked voice and shout*

Mrs. Singh: Also they are against Aarav's and Aera's marriage. Your sister wanted him to marry her friend's daughter. But when Aarav denied, she said that he doesn't respect his elders and can't even fulfill this wish of them and then she started pointing fingers on my upbringing, my teachings. *crying and shouting*.

Mrs. Singh: So this is my final decision that they will not live here and also if this time they said something to my kids, I will not stay quite and also kids, you all also don't need to stay silent. Give them a powerful answer that they won't be able to say those things again and also deal with your cousins your way. *sternly*.

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