Chapter 18

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Author's POV,

Everyone enjoyed a lot yesterday in haldi. Today is mehndi and everyone is excited for today too. Sangeet is at night and both of the teams 'Boys' and 'Girls' are preparing hard as they don't want to lose. Buaji again tried to create a drama but Mrs. Singh handled her. Aashi and Rashi were behind Taehyung and Jungkook but they both didn't give them a fuck and ignored them smoothly. After this much insult today too, they both are also silent for now.

Boys were not allowed in mehndi function but do you think that they will sit silently in their rooms. If you are thinking this then you are wrong. Nah, they will not sit silently. So they all planned to do something to get into area where function is held. Only Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin were going as other don't want to take the risk. They decided to wrap saree around themselves and get into the function acting as some ladies which came from Mr. Singh's village.

Taehyung's room,

Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin are sitting on the bed trying to figure out how to drape saree and also thinking their names.

Jimin *holding saree*: What is this bro?? How long is this cloth?? How to wear it?? *confused*

Jungkook: Hyung I think we should see it on you tube, maybe we can figure out how to wear this big piece of cloth.

Taehyung who was silently doing something in his phone, suddenly shouted.

Taehyung: I found it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *happy*

Jimin: What did you found bro??

Taehyung: Our names *smiling*

Jungkook: But hyung, we already have our names and they are good, I don't want to change my name.

Taehyung: So you mean, when we three will go there in the function and if someone asks our name we would say our real names. *poker face*

Jungkook: Ohhh that names so tell us.

Taehyung: Yea listen !

(Author: You will get to know that names, just wait a bit more).

And then after trying for so much they finally drapped saree and were ready to go. Also they are covering their head and face.

Taehyung: Let's go boys and remember our mission, we will meet our wife/fiance/lover and then we will come back.

(Author: By the way, Jungkook already told Taehyung and Jimin that he loves Disha).

At the function area,

Everyone was enjoying so much when three ladies with their heads covered entered there. One of them went to Y/N, another one to Disha and the last one went to Rosè. All the three girls were confused that who are they?? Then Disha noticed that the lady who was sitting near her is wearing the same ring that Jungkook wears so she understood that they are the boys who sneaked in. She signaled Y/N and Rose that they are Taehyung and Jimin. Y/N asked from the lady sitting next to her (Taehyung).

Y/N: Namaste aunty!

1st lady(Taehyung): Namaste beta.

Y/N: Umm aunty I don't know who are you and also your name and also who are those which entered with you??

1st lady (Taehyung): Beta I am from your father's village and my name is Sheela and the other two are my sisters, that one (Jimin), her name is Basanti and the other one is Munni.

Disha: Ohhh so aunty why are you talking in English, you are from our village only so we can talk in Hindi also.

2nd lady (Jungkook): Umm no beta we can not speak Hindi much as we were living out of the country for  some years so our Hindi is not good. *slight stutter*

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