Chapter 11

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Y/N's POV,

I was doing the dishes after Taehyung ate. Then I felt someone pulling me closer and my back was crashed into that person's chest. That person is none other than Taehyung. How stupid I am, only me and he is here so he will be the only one back hugging me na. I told him to leave me but he put this chin on my shoulder and said in his deep voice which gave me shiver that everyone is asleep and no one will come here. Then after some seconds, I also resumed my work.

As soon as I finished cleaning the dishes, he pushed me to the wall and trapped me in between him and the wall. He put his both hands on my either side so that I can not run away. He then told me that I made so delicious dishes that he want to give me reward but I denied. But he was adamant to give me a reward.

He then came more closer to my face and pulled me more towards him. There was just 2 cm gap between us. Then he placed his lips on my cheek just beside my lips !!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh, mumma your daughter is going to die today and this man will be the reason. My heart was thumping so hard. I know that he can listen to my heartbeats, they were so loud and after some good seconds, he removed his lips from my cheek and left after pecking my another cheek and smirking saying that If I again need a reward then I can ask him anytime.

I stood their in shock. Ohhh!!!!!!!!!! My!!!!!!!!!!! God!!!!!!!!!!! I think my heart is going to blast if it continued beating at this rate. I took some deep breathes and try to lower my heart beat. After some time, I also left to my room being sad that they all were going back to korea tomorrow. But they will come again after 2 months and then my engagement with him will be done and then our wedding and............ Wait...... Stop thinking about all these and sleep Y/N.

Then I drifted to my dreamland.

Morning Time,

Y/N's POV,

We all are having our breakfast. Taehyung was sitting in front of me and was staring at me continuously. I was not able to look up because of his gaze on me and also because when ever I look at him, I just remember our last night incident. I am blushing so much now. If Dishu and Ruhanika came to know about this then they will tease the hell out of me....... No no no..... I can't tell them. *shakes my head*

Taehyung's POV,

We all are having our breakfast and I was sitting in front of my baby. I was staring at her continuously and she was looking down. I can see her red cheeks. Ooooo looks like she is remembering last night incident *smirk*. But I am sad as we all have to leave today. Our companies need us so we have to go. 

At airport,

Author's POV,

Kim family and friends are going back to korea and everyone is biding each other good bye's. Taehyung told them that he is going to washroom and he signed Y/N to follow him. Y/N was thinking that if she will not meet him then he will think that she don't like him and she doesn't want him to think like this so she followed him too. Taehyung was happy seeing Y/N coming behind him.

He suddenly pulled her in an isolated part and trapped her in between him and the wall. (This man and his obsession with trapping our Y/N between him and wall, ufffff!!!!!!!). Then he came more closer to her face and said.

Taehyung: Will you not give me a good bye kiss?? *pout*

Y/N: But you will come back after two months right??

Taehyung: After two months our engagement will be done then I will tell your mom to arrange our wedding soon cause now I can't stay away from you. *hugging her*. I will miss you, my love.

Y/N was shocked but soon hugged him back and said in very low voice "I will miss you too". But since Taehyung was hugging her, he heard her and smiled. He then hugged her more tightly and kissed her forehead. Then he said.

Taehyung: Wait for two more months baby then we will be engaged and soon after that I will marry you. I will miss you so much my love. Will you miss me too?? I know your answer already as I heard you saying but I want to hear it one more time from you. Will you miss me, my love?? *deep voice*.

His deep voice was sending shiver down her spine and his dark gaze was making her weak. She said.

Y/N: I will miss you too Tae.

His nickname felt so good from her mouth to him. He a gave peck to her forehead then both of her cheeks then her nose. He looked at her lips and looked into her eyes for permission. Y/N didn't knew what to do so she just closed her eyes tightly. He saw that she was so much nervous and he didn't want to make her more so he just gave a peck her lips.

She opened her eyes and don't know from where the courage came in her and she kissed his nose. He was shocked and blushed. She came to reality and was too shy to say anything so just hugged him tightly. He came out of his la la la land and chuckled at her being all red before hugging her back tightly. Then he said.

Taehyung: I should go now or I will miss the flight.

She didn't want to let him go away but she had to. Taehyung came back first and she too came back after him.

Jungkook: Hyung, was there no washroom at the airport that you had taken this much time. *whispers and teasing voice* and also Y/N noona is so much red, is she okay??

Taehyung: Shut up and let's go or we will miss our flight.

They all said good bye for the last time. After they left, Singh family also left and go back to their home. But here our both lovers are missing each other already.

Hope you like this.

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