Chapter 24

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2 weeks before marriage,

In India,

Today is sunday so everyone is relaxing. 

Disha: I want to do something. Staying like this, doing nothing is so boring.

Aera: So let's give everyone a surprise.

Y/N: Bhabhi everyone is here only so who will we give surprise to??

Aera: Arey I was saying let's give a surprise to Kim family.

Disha: Yes, like how they gave us a surprise by coming a week before so let's do this with them too.

Aarav: Should I book the tickets or we will be going by our private jet?? 

(Just rich people things).

Y/N: Book the tickets bhai.

Mr. Singh: You all go, your mom and I have to go to our village for some work related to land and property.

Disha: Without you, it will be less fun. *pouting*

Mrs. Singh: We will come after a week. Till then you all enjoy, roam around korea and do all the fun. *caressing her head*

Aera: So, it decided that we will go tomorrow. Let's go now and pack our bags. And we will do shopping of outfits there only.

Aarav: I have booked tickets of first class. We have to leave early in the morning.

Disha: Okay, so let's pack our bags and what's the time for flight bhai??

Aarav: 10 am, but everything there takes time so we will leave from here at 6 am, it will take us 1 hour to reach airport.

Y/N: Bhai, don't tell them to pick us up from airport. As you and bhabhi, both know korea so we can go to their house by ourselves.

Disha: Yes bhai and we will not ignore anyone's calls, it will be suspicious and they will get to know that we are gonna give them some surprise.

Mrs. Singh: Y/N beta, call Ruhanika too, this way she can also enjoy with you all.

Y/N nodded and called Ruhi to inform her about this. She also agreed to come and she will directly go to airport from her house, meaning Singh family need not to pick her up. So after all the talking, everyone except Mr. and Mrs. Singh left to pack their bags. Mr. and Mrs. Singh went to pack some home made indian snacks for everyone.

Next day,

Singh family is doing their breakfast. They have to leave at 6 am and it's already 5.45 am so they are eating fastly.

Aarav: I am done. I will get our bags and put them in the car, come fast you all. And Y/N also call and ask Ruhanika, her house is near to the airport so at what time she will reach there.

Then he left and Y/N called Ruhi to ask her about this and Ruhi told her that she will leave in 20 minutes and soon after that, Aera, Disha and Y/N were done with their breakfast too. Then all of them went to airport and Mr. and Mrs. Singh also went with them to drop them.

Mrs. Singh: Take care of yourself you all and Aarav it's your responsibility. And also don't trouble everyone there. And Ruhi beta, you are more mature than Y/N and Disha, if they will not listen to Aarav, please handle them and if they are also not handled by you then Aera you take the charge.

Disha: Mumma why are worrying so much, Ruhi di and bhabhi are with us, so don't worry.

Aarav: Accha bacchu, I am also here and I can also control you.

Mr. Singh: Okay okay, we will come after one week so take care.

Then they boarded in flight. After a long flight of 14 hours, they finally reached at Incheon International Airport, Seoul. After getting out from airport, Aarav booked a taxi and all of them went to Kim mansion. It is already midnight when they reached so they are directly going to Kim's Mansion.

In taxi,

Disha: Wow bhabhi, seoul is so beautiful. 

Y/N: And also it is very clean.

Ruhanika: It is so beautiful, I want to live here for my whole life.

Y/N: Don't worry, after you marriage with Namjoon oppa you will live here only and I will also live with you. *whispering in her ear*

Ruhi turned red hearing Y/N. She is also shy like our Y/N but these days, Y/N is getting more bold.

Disha: What are you two whispering?? 

Y/N: It's our secret, why should we tell you about it??

Disha: Leave it, bhabhi how much time is left to reach there.

Aera: It will take half an hour.

Disha: Oh god! and Bhai why are you this much kanjoos (miser), you could have booked two taxis, now you are sitting peacefully in front and we are adjusting in the back. *annoyed*

Aarav: Even if Indian rupee is bigger than South korean won, but still things here are so much costly and it's a matter of half an hour only and also I asked you if you want to sit at front but you refused so it's not my fault.

Ruhanika: Okay okay stop fighting, we will reach there soon, just adjust for some more time Disha.

Disha huffed and sat silently listening to music. Y/N, Aera and Ruhi talked and Aarav was checking some patients file on his phone. After half an hour, they reached at their destination, The Kim's Mansion.

All of then them were standing outside when bodygaurds recognized Aera and opened the gate for them to enter in. All of them got inside the house and then Aarav said.

Aarav: Should we go like this only or do something to surprise them??

Disha: Ohhoo bhai you stay like this only, I am going inside.

Aera: I have talked with the head of security so we can go inside sneaking and no alarm will be turned on and this the map, you are here for the first time so when you will sneak in, it will help you to find directions and if you can't understand this then take the help of maids. Aarav let's go to mom and dad's room.

Then they left.

Disha: I will go to that bandar's room to annoy him.

Y/N: Annoy him or wants to romance with him *murmuring* 

Disha: What are you saying didu??

Y/N: Nothing you go.

Then she also left.

Y/N: So I will go to Taehyung and don't act, you can go to Namjoon's room.

Then they both also sneaked in. Aera and Aarav went inside first so Aera also talked with head maid so that the maids will not freak out seeing some people trying to sneak in. 

Hope you like this chapter.

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