Chapter 3

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Morning Time,

Everyone is doing breakfast peacefully. Then Mrs. Singh said.

Mrs. Singh: Aarav beta after having breakfast, me and your papa want to talk to Aera and her parents.

Aarav: Ok mumma.

After having breakfast, they are sitting in living room and then Aarav came with his phone and called Aera. She picked up and he said.

Aarav: Good Morning baby!!

Aera: Good Morning babe.

Aarav: Baby mumma papa wants to talk to you and your parents.

Aera: Now???!!!!! Why!!!! I didn't even prepare what to say. What if I messed up and they don't like me then.

Aarav: I already told you na that nothing will happen, they are not strict then why are you worrying?? Just take a deep breathe and talk to them, ok??

Aera: Ok.

Then he passed phone to Mrs. Singh, who was excited to talk to her daughter-in-law.

Mrs. Singh: Hello Aera.

Aera: H....hello A..aunty *nervously*.

Mrs Singh: Why are you nervous beta, don't be. I am a cool mother so don't worry .

Then they talked for some minutes and then Mr. and Mrs. Singh talked to Mr. and Mrs. Kim and they all decide to come after 1 week as they all have to wrap up their work.

Mrs. Singh then called pandit ji and asked for the engagement date and he told that after 2 weeks there is an auspicious day, they agreed to do engagement after 2 weeks and also informed Kim's.

Aarav was happy thinking that he will get engaged to his love after 2 weeks and his sisters were teasing him continuously.

After all this, Y/N left to her boutique and Disha also go to the company as today is her holiday and she is helping her dad. Aarav go back to his room and Mr. and Mrs. Singh are contacting wedding planners to book a venue for their engagement.

In South Korea,

After talking to Aarav and his sisters, Aera told her parents about all the talk and they were also happy knowing his parents agreed.

Night Time,

Kim family is doing their dinner, then Mrs. Kim asked Aera.

Mrs. Kim: Aera when is Aarav going to call you??

Aera: I don't know eomma but Aarav said that he will call after breakfast.

Mrs. Kim: Ok.

Jungkook: Who will call eomma??

Mrs. Kim: You know about Aarav, Aera's bf??

Jungkook: Yes eomma, Aarav hyung is cool, he also play games with me. *bunny smile*

Mr. Kim: So he told his parents about their relationship and his parents want to talk to us and Aera.

Jungkook: Ohhh!! So are we going to India to meet them?? *excited bunny*

Mrs. Kim: Yess, we will fix their engagement and then we all will go to India *said while chuckling looking at her son's excitement*.

Taehyung: It's good that they accepted, Aarav and Aera love each other soo much.

After sometime,

Aera got Aarav's call but she was nervous. Then after some seconds, she picked up.

Aarav: Good Morning baby!!

Aera: Good Morning babe.

Aarav: Aera mumma papa wants to talk to you and your parents.

Aera: Now???!!!!! Why!!!! I didn't even prepare what to say. What if I messed up and they don't like me then.

Aarav: I already told you na that nothing will happen, they are not strict then why are you worrying?? Just take a deep breathe and then talk to them, ok??

Aera: Ok.

Then after talking to him, he passed his phone to Mrs. Singh.

Mrs. Singh: Hello Aera.

Aera: H....hello A..aunty *nervously*.

Mrs Singh: Why are you nervous beta, don't be. I am a cool mother so don't worry.

And after some minutes, Aera passed her phone to Mrs. Kim.

Mrs. Kim: Hello Mrs. Singh.

Mrs. Singh: Hello Mrs. Kim.

And they talked for some time and then after cutting the call, Mrs. Kim said.

Mrs. Kim: Mrs. Singh told me that she is asking the date of engagement from priest and also we all have to go there after 1 week so I want everyone to wrap up their work before we leave. Understood??

All: Yess mam *chuckled*.

After some time, Aera again got a call from Aarav and she passed it to Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Singh told her about engagement date.

Mrs. Kim: Everyone listen, we are going there after 1 week as I already told you and after 2 weeks their engagement is fixed and we will do shopping in India only. And Namjoon you also invite all of your friends and tell them to get ready and finish their works.

Namjoon: Okay eomma.

They all left to their respective works and Namjoon informed their friends and now they all are at their office discussing about it.

Jennie: Oooo it looks like someone will get married in some months *teasing Aera*.

Aera: Eonnie it's not like that. Only our engagement is fixed *shy*.

Jisoo: Yea we know but I have met Aarav and it looks like he is gonna make you his soon completely after marrying you so you also don't have to wait for more.

Aera got completely like a red tomato and hugged Taehyung to save herself from their teasing. Seeing this, everyone chuckled.

Yoongi: So now we all should go to complete our works as we will not be here for some weeks or maybe who knows their wedding will get fixed and we have stay there more *teasing voice and smile*

Aera: Yoongi Oppa!!!!!! Not you too *whining while pouting*.

And then they all left to their works but Aera sat there talking to her brothers. After some talking and teasing, she also left to her hospital.

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