Book one, chapter thirteen

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Harry Potter And The Bleak World. Book one! 

Chapter thirteen of this spectacular book-in-a-book, A Realisation Regarding Nicholas Flamel.

Damn, it's actually original! 

I do not own Harry Potter. This is an AU.

[P.S: There are journals that are mentioned somewhat frequently, but to simplify how they work, it's pretty much like a magical text message but it's through a book]

This chapter's pretty short lol

Harry had truly been convinced to not visit the Mirror of Erised again when he couldn't resist the urge and went searching for it again, but when he couldn't find it, he had instead taught Lisa and Padma different muggle christmas things to distract himself. But he wasn't quite sure it worked. 

Ever since he stopped being able to go to the Mirror, he had been having familiar nightmares of his parents, but now that he had an idea of how they looked, they were much worse, as he could put their faces to their screams. He was able to imagine the light leaving their eyes, and he began to fear sleeping.

However, Padma and Lisa were always available, and he found out something about the book Draco had sent. Snowball fights, reading groups, even tricking Mrs.Norris or Filch using the invisibility cloak, and he had the journal to speak fill Draco in on everything that happened. 

Harry had even taught Lisa and Padma a few Christmas carols-- though he immediately regretted it. They were singing them for hours on end, throughout the days until break had ended.

When Hermione returned the day before term started, she had been particularly torn between fear of Harry getting injured-- "Walking around at night, when it's all dark, knowing you already can't see!"-- and worry that they may never find information on Nicolas Flamel. Draco, who hadn't been able to get close enough to say hi, had been communicating with Harry quite regularly through the journals. 

Once term had started, there was little time for research anyway. Madam Pince seemingly got more books, so that was "helpful", but Harry had even less time than his friends. He was still getting less sleep, and he had begun forgetting where classes had been. With the addition of Quidditch practice and homework, things had been hard, and he began to treasure the breaks between classes. Atleast at practice, Steve needed more help than Harry, so Etta let him sit out every now and then. 

After one long practice, Harry, exhausted, though excited, made way for the Ravenclaw common room. Lisa had been playing Ron at chess, and apparently, her chess pieces were feeling particularly disobedient today, because they didn't go any direction she told them to.

"You better be real quiet, or they're gonna throw a chess piece at you," Padma said jokingly, reading up a history book on a nearby couch. When she looked up at him, she was shocked. "Good-ness, Harry, take a seat! You look like you're gonna fall out any second!" She said, sitting up straight to make room for him.

"No, nevermind me, I've found it! Nicolas Flamel! I found out he's the only known creator of the Sorcerer's Stone!" 

"The what?" Ron and Padma asked. Lisa had been busy arguing with one her chess pieces, angry that it kept going right instead of left.

"Hermione asked me to take her book back to the Library since she needed to finish her essay, but before I did, I read through it just incase, and I came across the Sorcerer's Stone. The study of alchemy is concerned with making the Sorcerer's Stone-- legendary, and almost impossible to recreate-- and it has astonishing powers. The stone will transform any metal into pure gold, and it makes the Elixir of Life, which makes the drinker immortal! There've been plenty of reports over the years, but the only Stone in existence resides with Nicolas Flamel and his wife! He celebrated his six hundred and sixty-fifth birthday just last year, and he's still going!" Harry rambled excitedly.

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