Book two, chapter eighteen

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Harry Potter And The Secrets of Slytherin. Book two!
And this is the final chapter. Woooo!

Chapter eighteen of this snakey book-in-a-book.

You'll learn the title at the end :3

I do not own Harry Potter(but I totally should). This is an AU.

This might be the last rewrite for a bit because im going out of town tomorrow for a school thing


Harry sat in his bed for a few minutes, wondering where he was. He couldn't move his arm, and he couldn't move his head around to see where his glasses were. Suddenly, they had been placed delicately on his face. He blinked a couple times, and he was quite overjoyed to see Padma and Lisa standing at his bedside.

"Hi Harry! It's amazing to see you awake. Here, have some water," said Lisa cheerfully, handing him a glass of water, and Padma looked to have been fighting back tears.

"Don't mind me-- I- I said I wouldn't cry, now look at me." She said, and Lisa patted her on the back. "Why would--?" Harry asked, coughing on his own words.

"You shouldn't speak for now, magic can only do so much when you're healing an injury like this. And she means, well.... You've been out of it for almost two weeks." Lisa explained. "The adults have been beginning to think you'll have to be moved to a Muggle hospital, since you've already been to St. Mungo's and back. There's this one nurse that hasn't left yet, y'know, just incase. And even weirder-- it's like, while you've been asleep, your body's been rejecting all the magic trying to heal you. Look at that-- your scars are healing much quicker now that you're awake.... Oh, Paddy, go tell Madam Pomfrey he's up."

Harry looked around, ignoring the slight ringing in his ears; There were atleast three tubes going into his arm, presumably pumping blood, and a cord up his nose. He was covered in bandages. A heart monitor was beating loudly beside him.

"Yeah, they had to bring in a lot. I'm surprised it's all working properly. Honestly, we're lucky that we even got unpetrified with how many mediwitches and mediwizards were in here. We're even luckier that you're okay." Padma said, as Madam Pomfrey came into view, a chipper redheaded woman following. Presumably, she was the nurse that was staying.

"Here, Potter, that should help with any excess pain," Madam Pomfrey said, handing him a small vial the nurse handed her. He downed it without a second thought. The ringing had gone away. "You two should get to breakfast, and Mister Potter has to rest." 

"But Madam Pomfrey, he's been resting for two entire weeks! Can't we atleast speak with him for a little while?" Padma asked.

"Ugh," Madam Pomfrey groaned. "You may stay with him until Professor Dumbledore arrives. Only because Merlin knows this boy won't rest even if you leave." Padma didn't take a moment to stand back at Harry's bedside, and Lisa had been clapping happily.

"Do please try to refrain from movement-- you're healing much quicker now, but you still have wounds that are open." Said the redheaded nurse as Madam Pomfrey went back to where she came from. "If you'd lend me your arm, dear... I need to change your bandages."

Harry, Padma, and Lisa kept up conversation while the nurse changed the bandages on his arm, Harry communicating by means of writing on paper as explaining all that he could remember happening in the Chamber, and had just barely finished about how the Animagi ritual went, when Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore entered the Hospital wing.

"Oh no, not the fun police and the fun operator.." Lisa said mockingly as she got up to leave. "We'll see you later, Slysnout," Padma joked, following begrudgingly. The nurse bowed her head, and walked off to where Madam Pomfrey went.

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