Book three, chapter seventeen

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Harry Potter and the Grim Truth; Book 3!

Chapter seventeen: Trelawney's Prediction.


The euphoria of winning the Quidditch Cup lasted atleast a week. Even the weather seemed to be pleased; June approached fast, and the days were cloudless and so calm that all anyone wanted to do was stroll across the grounds and find a comfortable spot in the grass to sit with chilled drinks, maybe playing a game of Gobstones or watch the giant squid waft relaxedly across the lake's surface.

But to the disdain of practically the entire school, Exams had nearly arrived, and instead of lying around outside, students had to be inside the castle, trying to bully their brains into concentration, working their hardest to ignore the enticing wafts of summer air. Etta dragging herself along after Fred and George Weasley was not an unusual sight as of late; They'd become friends at some point, and were working together to study for their O.W.L.s(Ordinary Wizarding Levels), seeing as they were all fifth-years. Etta was absolutely crushed when she heard Percy was preparing for his N.E.W.T.s(Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests), realising she'd have to take them in the future. Percy, meanwhile, had been very tense anywhere he went.

In the library, if he were studying there or gathering books to take to the Gryffindor common room, he snapped and gave harsh punishments to anyone who dared even try to disturb him. The only person-- or, better worded, people, who were more anxious than Percy was Hermione and Harry. The classes had really begun to take their toll.

"Okay, we've got Arithmancy and Transfiguration at 9 next Monday," Hermione mumbled, making a list of the exams they'd be taking. The clicking of the pen she used was almost irritating, because she refused to use her quill on the paper in her notebook from home. "Then after lunch, we've got Charms and Ancient Runes at 1."

"Mione, I don't want to study and take exams anymore," Harry complained. Truthfully; He couldn't have cared less for the exams-- it was Potions he didn't want to do.

"Yes, well, I don't want to either, but we're not allowed to drop any classes now that we're about to start." Hermione replied, sighing, before gnawing on the cap of her pen. "What exams do we have on Tuesday?"

"Potions, Care of Magic Creatures, and Astronomy. I think. That may be Wednesday." answered Padma, appearing from behind a bookshelf with stacks in her arms. Ron and Lisa followed, carrying their own. "Say, do you mind if we sat here?"

"No, of course not." Hermione shook her head, moving unread books out of the way.

"Do I want to bother asking how you're going to be taking two exams at once?" asked Ron, opening one of his books on Transfiguration.

"No," Harry and Hermione said at the same time, and Padma shrugged. "Those two work in mysterious ways." she said, picking out a book on Defence Against the Dark Arts.

"Do any of you see my copy of Numerology and Grammatica? It was right here a moment ago," Hermione asked, looking under papers and books.

"No, but, I did find a copy of Errors and Laws! Honestly, I was starting to think I never would." Lisa said, clearly relieved. "If we're lucky, this'll be the last bit we need!"

Hermione hummed, nodding as she threw books on the floor in a tizzy. Just then, Madam Pince shrieked, and Hedwig came into view, carrying a letter and a note in her beak.

"Thank you, Hedwig-- this one's from Hagrid," Harry said, taking the note and the letter. "Buckbeak's appeal is set for the sixth."

"We finish our exams that day!" Padma said cheerfully, and Hermione hummed, still looking for her Arithmancy book. Lisa had been somewhat conversing with Hedwig, and Ron was looking at her sideways.

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