Book two, chapter thirteen

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Harry Potter And The Secrets of Slytherin. Book two!

Chapter thirteen of this snakey book-in-a-book, The Very, Very, Not-A-Secret Diary Thanks to None Other Than Moaning Myrtle.

I do not own Harry Potter(but I totally should). This is an AU.


Christmas break had eventually ended, and majority of the students that left were hesitant to return. A lot of people were shocked to hear that nobody had been petrified, some, oddly enough, frustrated that Harry had yet to been removed from school grounds-- but many more were even more shocked that Draco Malfoy had suddenly began hanging out with the 'Troublesome Quintet', as some called Harry and his friends.

"Isn't Lockhart just the rattiest bloke you've ever met or what?" Said Ron tiredly one afternoon, as they did their homework. He had been stuck on one of Lockhart's quizzes. "'What is Gilderoy Lockhart's best physical asset?' How am I supposed to even choose one when he hasn't got any?!" 

"Ron, just say his face. It's all just so he feels better about himself." Hermione said, doing her Transfiguration homework.

"Harry, that's not what goes into a strengthening potion," Draco said, glancing over to peek at Harry's Potions homework.

"Yes it is! See-- salamander blood!"

"That says samaer blood. A 'samaer' isn't even a thing. You need new glasses."

Harry squinted, but the words looked like a blur-- he could've sworn he wrote salamander. Padma looked over, and snorted. "He's right, you really need new glasses! That does not say salamander!"

"Whatever, I'm taking a break, and my glasses are just fine. They only break easily, I can see perfectly well out of them. I just have.. Poor reading skills." Harry denied, standing up, his face red. His glasses didn't actually work, but he liked them.

"I'm joining you, I need a brain-break. I can't remember the incantation for the shrinking spell," Lisa said, pushing aside her Charms homework. "I've already finished my more important homework." Draco said, standing to join them. Padma shook her head, focusing on her Transfiguration homework as well. Ron went to stand up, but Hermione stopped him.

"You haven't even finished a single page of work, they've finished three, minimum!" She scolded, placing his quill back into his hand as Harry, Draco, and Lisa walked out the Library.

But with a sudden shout from upstairs, Hermione, Padma, and Ron came rushing out, and multiple others following. "Did another person get petrified?" Someone asked, unaware of Harry's presence behind his friends (seeing as he was still considerably short for his age).

A few moments later, Filch came stomping down a nearby flight of stairs, muttering something about Dumbledore. And of course, people wanted to know, so they followed him. But Harry wanted to know what made Filch so aggravated-- without thinking, he went up the staircase.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Hermione asked, following close behind. The rest of their friends followed wordlessly, Draco a little hesitantly.

When Harry finally reached the floor Filch was usually guarding, he poked his head around the corner; The floor had been near completely flooded, and it seemed that it was all coming from Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Her wails were louder than usual.

"Now what's wrong with her?" Ron said questioningly. "We don't have to know," Draco said, "We haven't got anything better to do!" Harry said somewhat cheerfully, holding up his robes to get to the door.

Myrtle was crying in her usual stall, and it was even louder in the bathroom, and it was very dark, for most of the candles had been put out by the floods of water leaving the walls and floor wet.

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