Book three, chapter ten

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Harry Potter And The Grim Truth. That is the name of the third book. (I use the POA script instead of the movie even though I've watched the movie like 20 times)

And this is the tenth chapter. Chapter ten of this secret-spilling book, The Marauder's Map (Too Iconic To Change).

I do not own Harry Potter(I do own Hexad though lmao). This is an AU.

Another long one omg(but this one's longer)

Madam Pomfrey insisted Harry stay in the hospital wing for the rest of the weekend; He didn't complain, but he wouldn't let her throw away the bag of his shattered Nimbus Two-thousand. He knew it was stupid-- he kept it beside his bed, and didn't even look at it unless it caught his attention suddenly, but he couldn't bring himself to want it gone.

Fortunately, Draco had stayed in for the weekend-- though even he knew that he should've been out much earlier-- had been the center of Harry's attention when one of them wasn't asleep. Well, he and the stream of visitors that constantly came to see them. Hagrid sent earwiggy flowers that looked like yellow cabbages, and Ginny Weasley turned up with a get-well card for Harry, and almost went red when he asked about it. Lyra turned up early, whining about how Draco aught to have their father try to get rid of the dementors early, and gave Harry a sympathetic hug on her way out. The Ravenclaw team returned Sunday morning, luckily, just when Etta had waken up.

"My hair," she sobbed, pulling at the no-longer-existent locks, which had been shrivelled to her head. "My hair..." Penelope had been by her side the whole time.

Harry, although somewhat despaired, hadn't been as bad as Etta. Padma, Ron, Lisa, and Hermione only left the hospital wing at night or when Madam Pomfrey made then leave, but not they, or even Draco, knew half of what had truly been troubling him.

He hadn't told anyone about the dog he saw in the stands, and there was even more that troubling him. For starters, however, he couldn't not think about the coincidences that followed after seeing Black dogs; Both near-fatal accidents- the first time, he was almost ran over by the Knight Bus- the second, falling about fifty feet from his broomstick. It couldn't have been a Grim, he told himself once more, but he truthfully didn't know if he believed that anymore.

And then there were the dementors. It left Harry feeling sicker than he ever had to be near one, and even thinking of them had him feeling miserable and like he'd throw up. Everyone around him said the dementors were horrible, but nobody else collapsed like he did everytime they went near one. Nobody else heard echoes in their head of the worst thing they've ever gone through; And better yet, nobody heard the voice of themselves-- but he wasn't quite like anyone else, was he?

Harry could've placed the voices he was hearing, if not accurately. He'd heard them over and over whenever it had gotten so late that he just couldn't get to sleep; When the dementors got close to him, he heard his mother, begging for Lord Voldemort to spare him and Hermione, and to take her own life instead, and the dark wizard laughing as he tortured her with a curse so painful leaving the victim wishing for death, and then, who sounded just like Harry, Harra, quietly telling Voldemort to stop, but to never be heard.... Harry's growing lack of sleep came from not wanting to listen to any of it, but he couldn't help the countless naps he took during the day.

It was a relief to be back in the main school on Monday, even though he still had an abundance of homework that he didn't want to do.

"Where d'you think the clouds go when the skies are clear?" Lisa wondered, looking up at the enchanted ceiling during lunch.

"I think they decide they want to be invisible, until they don't," said a girl across the table. It was Luna Lovegood-- a second year with a dreamy face and wide eyes.

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