Book one, chapter fifteen

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Harry Potter And The Bleak World. Book one!

Chapter fifteen of this spectacular book-in-a-book, The Forbidden Forest, Unicorns in Peril.

I do not own Harry Potter. This is an AU.

I pasted a lot of original paragraphs because i couldn't think of how else to word it lmao

(I didn't check over this help 💀)
(I have now)


Harry felt sick. Filch had brought him and Padma to McGonagall's study, where they had to wait for her patiently and quietly, though Padma didn't do either. She was positively enraged-- she refused to sit still in her seat, and wouldn't keep quiet no matter how many times Filch told her to. When he left the room to let McGonagall in, she would've screamed and pulled the invisibility cloak over her head if Harry hadn't been holding it. 

Things had only gotten worse when McGonagall appeared, seeing as she was not only leading Neville, but also Samantha and Hermione.

"Harry!" Hermione shouted, the moment she saw them.

"I would never have believed it of any of you. Mr. Filch says you were up in the astronomy tower. It's one o' clock in the morning. Explain yourselves!"

"Well... we... uh.." Padma stammered, her face flustered and her rage had suddenly disappeared.

"I think I've got a good idea of what's been going on," said McGonagall. "You've made up some story and gotten caught in the act! You three!" She turned to Hermione, Samantha, and Neville.

"Samantha couldn't sleep, and because of that she wouldn't let me sleep, so I was taking her to Madame Pomfrey to get a sleeping potion. We were going to let Neville back into the Tower because he got locked out, but--" 

"That is enough, Miss Granger. There is no excuse whatsoever to wander the castle at night. Fifty points will be taken from Gryffindor. And Ravenclaw too, incase you two think I've forgotten." McGonagall declared, and it had been a minute or two before anyone said anything, but it was still just her speaking. 

"Now get to bed, all of you. I'm disappointed that any of you would think you'd get away with this."

Fifty points hadn't been too much for either house to lose... at first. 

Gryffindor, in third place, hadn't moved, but Ravenclaw, in first place, had fallen second to Slytherin. Slytherin, too, had happened to lose points, but thirty is less than fifty, isn't it? Nobody in Ravenclaw would talk to Harry or Padma except for their friends. 

"It'll be alright, I'm sure!" Lisa tried, but Harry and Padma both shook their heads. 

"We're doomed. Our heads will be mounted on the walls and we'll be shamed for the rest of the year," Padma muttered, and, though she was much more dramatic than he would've made it seem, Harry understood her point and nodded. 

"Well, Harry, you could get the points back in Quidditch, couldn't you? You're, like, the Seeker of the century! Literally." Lisa insisted. 

Yet, even Quidditch had lost its fun. The team wasn't at mad as him as the rest of the House, but they certainly didn't try to hide their annoyance. Whenever they spoke of him,  they only referred to him as "The Seeker."

Hermione, Neville, and Samantha weren't having an easier time either. Hermione kept her head down in class, and people started teasing Samantha for being a 'cry-baby', and nobody would tell Neville any passwords to get in Gryffindor tower. Harry, like Hermione, kept quiet and didn't do much of anything in class. He didn't lose house points for not participating; The teachers just ignored him-- not counting Snape.

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