Harry Potter And The Secrets of Slytherin - Chapter one

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Harry Potter And The Secrets of Slytherin. That is the name of the SECOND book. (Woohoo it's book twoo!) 

And this is the very first chapter. Chapter one of this snakey book-in-a-book, Say Please and Thank You.

I do not own Harry Potter(but I totally should). This is an AU.

Note: We're going to be sticking to the original themes of the second book, just a little more switched around.

Part three of the daily publishing thing
(This one (was) a little early bc it's a new book)

For the first time in a few minutes, an argument had broken out over breakfast at Number Four of Privet Drive.

"Third time this week!" Yelled Vernon Dursley. He had been awakened earlier than usual by screeches of an owl, the ramble of a shaking case, and the hissing of a snake-- all from the room of his nephew.

"If you can't control your wretched pets, they'll have to go--" 

"They're bored. That's what happens when animals are kept caged up for too long with no form of entertainment and little food. They get noisy, because they're bored and hungry," said Harry tiredly, as he fixed up the coffee pot to pour another cup. The summer hadn't been as fun as he thought, for the Dursleys, the family that lived in the house of Number Four, had forced him to be that much their servant.

He served breakfast, lunch, and dinner, though his aunt wouldn't let him cook unless it was him making sure something didn't burn, but he couldn't remember the last time he had eaten a full meal. And he didn't have only himself to feed, but three pets too.

"Well they won't be let out! I know what'll happen if they get to run free," Vernon said, exchanging looks with Harry's aunt, Petunia. It took almost a year, but she seemed to have noticed the missing collection of jewellery.

"I want more bacon," declared fat little Dudley Dursley. "There's more in the pan, sweetums." said Petunia, turning to face her pig of a son. "We'd better bulk you up while we can. I don't like the sound of that school food." She said, snapping her fingers-- a sign telling Harry to come over. "Nonsense, Petunia! I never went hungry at Smeltings!" Vernon said proudly.

Harry had walked over, holding the frying pan, but when Dudley told him to give it up, he couldn't help what he was saying. "Say the magic word." He said. Dudley gasped and fell off his chair with a loud thud that felt like it shook the whole kitchen; Petunia shrieked and smacked the Harry's head; Vernon jumped to his feet, furious.

Harry had been just as shocked, but even more so when he continued speaking out of control.

"I meant please, not 'magic,'" He explained.

"WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU," thundered Vernon, spraying spit over the table, "ABOUT SAYING THE 'M' WORD IN OUR HOUSE?"

"You say "the 'M' word" as if it's a horrible thing!"

"HOW DARE YOU THREATEN DUDLEY! HOW DARE YOU TALK BACK!" roared Uncle Vernon, pounding the table with his fist.

"I didn't threaten him, I--!" Harry started, but was met with another slap to the head. 

"You will never see that wretched school ever again!" Petunia screamed, dragging Harry along the hall. "No! I didn't, really! Stop! Let me go! I—" He screamed. He squirmed and pried his arm out of Petunia's grip, and made a break for the stairs. He locked the door to his room, and sighed, realising what all just happened, before he fell before his bed miserably. It creaked under his weight. 

Harry Potter was not a normal child.

He was an abnormally short boy; He had darker skin than others; His eyes were two completely different colours; He had a boa constrictor, an owl that technically wasn't his, and what looked like a mix of a beaver and a gopher for pets. Most of all-- he was a wizard. But at the house of Number Four, he was a freak, and from now on, it seemed, a servant.

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