Book four, chapter four

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Harry Potter and the New Day; Book four!

Chapter four: Malfoy Manor.

Possibly heavy ooc here (as in out of character, for anyone unaware)
I have no memory of writing any of this tbh

I spent four god damn months rewriting this thing and it still sucks 😭😭


By twelve o'clock, Sunday afternoon, Harry, Lisa, and Hermione were all packed. Harry, though he wouldn't ever say, had buried some of his most prized possessions in the crevices of his trunk. The Invisibility cloak that was once his father's-- the Marauder's Map, despite the fact he knew it wouldn't work-- as well as the ring Draco got him. He didn't have any problem at all admitting that it meant alot to him, he just wouldn't say it. 

He crossed off the next couple days on his calendar and headed to the living room; Hermione and Lisa were already there, arguing about something on the TV. Well, perhaps arguing was a strong word, but their conversation was not pleasant.

Hermione was the first to notice him, and immediately put her hand up to Lisa's face. "Harry! Are you ready to go?" 

"Yeah," He answered, taking the remote and changing the channel. "Where's mum?" 

"Getting ready. You and her both were still asleep when we were ready." Lisa said, yanking back the remote and switching it back. Harry sent her an apprehensive look, but she only stuck her tongue out at him. 

"Whatever," He groaned, and Hermione looked at them both confusedly. "What is wrong with you two? You've been arguing over nothing for days!" 

"Nothing," They said, but then turned to eachother, pointing an accusatory finger. "Jinx, you-- DAMMIT!" 

Hermione sighed. "You two are hopeless."

They both scoffed in response. But they all sat in an awkward silence until Lily came walking down the hallway. She seemed to easily sense the tension between Harry and Lisa. "What's wrong? Is it something we need to sort out before we leave?"

"No," they agreed quickly, and, weirdly enough, the tension was gone almost instantly. Or, most of it. But reallt was that simple. There was nothing wrong; It was just small, harmless bickering. That was it.

Lily eyed them suspiciously, but very slowly, she said, "Well, if you're all ready to go, then let's go. To the Weasleys first, I presume?" She nodded to the kitchen, and they followed, dragging along their trunks. The first thing they spotted was a brick fireplace, which stood out tremendously against the light, warm colours of the walls.

"Woah," Lisa gasped, practically taking the words from Harry and Hermione's mouths.

"Mr Weasley was kind enough to get us hooked up to the Floo system," Lily explained, nearing the fireplace and taking a bowl off the table. It was filled with the luminescent, green dust-- better known as floo powder. "I thought it'd be better for a stomach or two--" She looked Lisa's way. "-- that we didn't Apparate, and he was so very insistent that we get it done sooner or later. I preferred sooner."

They all nodded along as she spoke, and flames burst out in the fireplace. She threw the powder in, and continued speaking, very lightly, "Remember, we're going to the Burrow first. All of us."

The normal-coloured fire turned a vibrant green and rose very high.

"Hermione, you first, since you're staying," Lily said, stepping aside to let Hermione go forward. She climbed into the fireplace and got her trunk situated with her, and cried out, "the Burrow!"

With a whoosh, she was gone. Lisa went up next. She threw her duffel bag over her shoulder-- it thudded loudly against the brick, but she paid it no mind, saying, "the Burrow!"

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