a/n: main characters.

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richard tozier:
age: 14
nickname: richie/trashmouth/rich
family: abusive mom, neglecting father
gender: male
job: cash register at pharmacy
crush: eddie kaspbrak
fear: himself/his secret(s)
about: funny, suicidal, comedic relief, short tempered, snarky comments.

edward kaspbrak:
age: 13
nickname: eddie/eds/eddie spaghetti/edwardo
family: mentally abusive/controlling mom, dead father
gender: male
job: unemployed
crush: richie tozier
fear: anything related to germs
about: germaphobe, sassy, easily angered, sweet and caring when he needs to be, shorty.

stanley uris:
age: 14
nickname: stan/stan the man/stanny/flamer
family: loving yet absent mother, controlling father.
gender: male
job: bird watching/studying
crush: bill denbrough (slightly)
fear: peers
about: jewish, almost always annoyed, bossy.

william denbrough:
age: 14
nickname: bill/billy/big bill/billy boy
family: kind mother, neglecting father, sweet little brother
gender: male
job: newspapers
crush: none
fear: losing the ones closest to him
about: leader, careful, kind, loyal, cautious.

beverly marsh:
age: 14
nickname: bev/bevvie/red
family: dead mother, abusive (sexually) father, good aunt
gender: female
job: unemployed
crush: none
fear: getting older
about: red head, independent, smart, loving, strong, intelligent, loves to smoke, life of the party

michael hanlon:
age: 14
nickname: mike/mikey
family: dead mother, dead father, controlling/high-expectant grandfather
job: delivers meat
crush: none
fear: fire
about: caring soul, strong, oldest, big heart

ben hanscom:
age: 13
nickname: benny/haystack/tits
family: kind mother, loving but absent father
job: helps at library (learning architecture in school)
crush: beverly marsh
fear: bullies
about: bullied for being bigger, innocent, kind heart, simp, dreams to be an architect.

kevin howwie:
age: 16
nickname: kev/manager/asshole
family: dead mother, absent/bad father
job: manager/worker at pharmacy
crush: none
fear: being taken advantage of
about: richie's manager and co-worker, nice, stubborn, can be an ass, miserable, kinda a side character but still an important role.


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