chapter 32; fourth of july.

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"so?" kevin asked, sitting on the counter. it was 11:20 PM and the store was empty.

"okay.. so, eddie and i fought and he kicked me out of his house. me being the idiot i am biked back to my house."


"i know i know-"

"no, richie! you clearly don't! are you okay?! are you hurt?!"


"wha- what happened."

"i don't really know. i entered bawling my eyes out and ran to my room, and my mom, fucking maggie, she came in and- somewhat- comforted me! yeah!"

"what?" kevin asked, chuckling and smiling. "dude that's an accomplishment."


"i'm happy for ya though. is she just.. better now?"

"i guess.. i'm gonna go back again tonight and try figuring it out. just two things i'm stuck on. she avoided answering why she was being nice suddenly, and she didn't tell me where wentworth was. uh- my dad."

"oh, the psychotic fucking bitch that tried killing us? yeah, what a joy."

richie chuckled. "okay, fair."

"she probably killed him."


"i mean, he tried killing us, he deserves to be dead anyway."

"while you're right, he was still the only parent i had. even though he sucked, he wasn't as bad as maggie. he.. still is my dad."

"hm," kevin hummed, tapping his chin with four of his fingers. "you're a good kid."

richie chuckled. "yeah okay."

"let me know what happens later, i wanna be filled in."

"what? on the 'beef'?" richie teased with a smirk. kevin rolled his eyes and smiled.

"yep, exactly."

"okay," richie scoffed. kevin laughed.

"crazy how fast we became friends."

"only took about five fucking weeks."

"okay whatever," kevin chuckled. "i mean like- as if we're old friends. brothers."

"i mean, i'm literally your annoying little brother and you're my protective big brother."

kevin smiled and looked at the ground, nodding. "i know i don't say this often, or ever, but i'm really glad you came to the pharmacy. even though i've dodged death a few times because of you, you still brought joy into my life when i needed it."

"wow kev.. i'm glad i came too. i'm glad i met you," richie said with a smile. kevin exchanged one.

"now! go charm that lady, i'll be in my office acting like i'm working when really i'm just on my phone."

"gotcha. no one can resist this charming face," richie flattered. kevin put his hand over richie's face and pushed.

"oops, just did."

"fuck you," richie said, tripping kevin, who stumbled into the wall. he smiled and shoved richie into the counter, who rolled his eyes and just did his work.

- 12:14 AM; FRIDAY -

"hey-" richie started, only to be interrupted by a rushing maggie.

"come on, rich, get in the car, we gotta go."

"what? what? where- what??" he questioned, being dragged out of the house gently by maggie, who held his wrist and rushed out of the door. when richie got in the backseat, he swallowed hard at this mother crying. "ma- mom?"

"not right now, rich. just.. don't question it."

richie stared out of his window, bored as hell. he was too lazy to text kevin and update him, or tell eddie why he wouldn't be there.

as they pulled into a hospital parking lot, richie perked up, his breath seemingly stolen from his lungs.


"just- don't," she whispered, wiping a tear.

richie got out of the car as soon as it parked, eager to see the reason behind the rush to the hospital. he and maggie basically ran in, richie's head loud and running with a million questions and thoughts.

"maggie tozier?" the doctor asked. maggie and richie stood. "is this your son?"

"yes, how is he?"

"he doesn't have much longer. he has to stay here, we're doing the best we can. we don't believe he's going to make it."

maggie cupped her hands over her mouth, richie's face smeared in confusion and concern. he glanced at maggie then back at the doctor.

"can.. we see him?" maggie asked, trying not to cry.

"yes, go ahead."

maggie and richie rushed into wentworth's room, who lied on the bed. his heart monitor threateningly beeped, and richie felt his heart drop. his face did as well, tears immediately filling his eyes.

"went.. holy shit.." she sobbed, walking over to him and taking his hand in hers. richie slowly ambled over as well.

"mags.. richie.." he whispered. maggie sniffed, looked at richie, and rubbed his back, wiping a tear from her own face.

"what.." richie whispered. "what happened..? what's going on?"

"maggie didn't.. tell you?" he uttered out. richie looked up at maggie.


"maggie.." wentworth whispered.

"i'm sorry," she whimpered out.

"take care of my son."

tears poured out of richie's eyes. he was too shocked to say anything at this rate.

"i will," whispered maggie. wentworth looked at richie.

"dad.. dad please.. you can't leave," richie stumbled out, choking on sobs.


"you can't go yet. it's not fair. that's not fair," richie sobbed. "i'm gonna miss you."

richie was only trying to buy more time. but, as wentworth went, he spoke.

"happy fourth of july," he whispered, eyes closing. maggie looked up at richie, tears pouring from her eyes.

richie only stood and stared. he felt his body fall away. this wasn't happening. right? it's not real. right?

"no.. no! no!" maggie yelled, sobbing. richie just stared down at went's body.

maggie slammed her hand onto the button to call in some doctors, pressing it over and over as she cried.

"i'll see you again. some day.." richie whispered under his mother's screaming voice.

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