chapter 26; my type of people.

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"rich..?" eddie asked the morning after, where richie was sitting on the edge of eddie's bed as he got ready. richie looked up at him, and eddie couldn't help but blush. "um.. what does this mean? for us?"

"whaddya mean?" richie asked, scooting over to the end of the bed that eddie stood at.

"well.. just.. we've already made out."


"so.. what are we?"

richie thought about it. "i.. dunno? do you wanna make me the happiest person in all of derry and be my boyfriend, eddie?"

eddie smiled sheepishly, chuckling lightly and walking over to richie. "of course i do."

"great! another step to getting married and running away from derry together with the losers!"

"oh? who told you about the losers thing?" eddie asked, looking down at richie, who sat on the bed and looked up at him like a child.

"stanley. we were talking about some random shit and he called you guys losers, but had to reassure me that you guys are the 'losers club'."

"you say that as if you aren't a part of our friend-group."

"i am! i know that, don't worry," richie chuckled. "you're very cute."

eddie rolled his eyes with a smile. "you're so cheesy, dude."

"whaaat? richie tozier? cheesy? in what world?" richie regaled. he smiled, stood, kissed eddie, and wandered over to the side of the bed. "how are you feeling?"

"uhh," eddie sighed, "i dunno. i'm still just slightly stunned and in denial about the whole thing, i don't know when i'll be able to talk to her again."

"easy; just act like a rebel the next time you see her and she'll get off your ass." richie sat on the floor and put his shoes on.

"well clearly you haven't yet met her. she's not exactly that easy."

"hm," hummed richie, "tell her something to stun her and then leave. maybe then she'll stop treating you poorly."

"like you of all people should be giving me parental advice."

"hey! i was the one you called for help!"

"and that's because i love you and trust you and am aware that you just always know what to say, and that i can trust you with what's going on."

richie cracked a smile, standing finally. "aww, that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me! and i got told that i wasn't boring!"

eddie chuckled. "you're many things, but boring is not one of them."

"true," richie said with a shrug.

"okaaay, so, anything new with your home life?"

"nothin'. still haven't gone back," richie said proudly, plopping on eddie's bed again.

"i guess that's a good thing."

"you guess? what, do you guess that me getting abused ain't so bad after all or something?"

"what?! no- i'm not—"

"chiiiiill, i'm kidding," richie laughed. eddie sighed.

"okay good. because i really do love you and i care about you, and i'm happy for you that you were able to escape that abuse."

richie smiled lovingly. "thanks, eds." he nodded.

"what i meant is that you're only fourteen and you don't have a home," eddie said, shutting his drawer and walking over to richie, sitting next to the boy that lied down, his legs dangling off of the bed.

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