Chapter 16

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" I saw your test scores today. I must say, I was pretty impressed."

Randy stops walking and flashes me an accusing look.
"You violated my privacy and looked at my scores?" He fakes a gasp.
I roll my eyes in annoyance. Gotta hand to him, the guy's pretty dramatic.

"Oh don't be such a drama queen. If they were so private they wouldn't put them up in the hallways for everyone to see," I snap at him, laughing away as I quickly double my steps.
I'm dog tired and badly need a nap and some food.
Plus, it's Friday and I promised Miranda I'd watch Gossip Girl with her tonight.

"I was impressed too," he admits with a big smile. "My grades have improved so much," he goes on excitedly and I can't help but just smile at him.
"That's only because you were taught by the best," I tease.
"Yeah right, I'm not going to do that."
"Do what?" I laugh innocently, playfully running up ahead.
We just finished our after school session for today and are heading home.

"Stroke your already overgrown ego," he yells over the noisy wind, catching up with me.
I feel his arm casually slide over my shoulders and I look up at him with a smile.

We walk in silence till we reach my block. His is just a couple more ahead.

"I'll see you on Monday," I whisper and detach myself from his hold.


"Yes, Monday," I reply, confused.

"What about tonight? Have you forgotten about the party?"

The party.
Right.....I'd totally forgotten about that.
And now I'm too tired.

"Yeah, I kinda forgot about that," I admit, scratching my neck awkwardly. He's looking at me with this accusing look which is very very uncomfortable.

"So....?" He asks.

"So what...?"

"Don't play dumb Mandy," he responds with a smile.

"You see, ermmm, the thing is that...."

"No excuses!" He cuts in laughing.

"I wasn't going to." I lie.

"Yeah right. Go deceive someone else. Sounds like you were just about to find an excuse."

"I wasn't, I swear. It's just that I promised to watch Gossip Girl with Miranda tonight."

"You what...?" He snorts and then breaks into one of his most annoying laughters yet.

I mean, I actually did promise her, but with how tired I am right now, I'd probably have to cancel and sleep in.
But of course, I have no intention of telling Randy that.

"I promised to watch Gossip Girl with Miranda tonight," I repeat, annoyed. He was clearly not paying attention to me.
"Yeah I heard you alright," he manages to let out mid laughter.
"I just don't believe it," he continues, still laughing and annoying me by the second.

I glare at him.

"And why don't you believe it?"

"Because I just can't picture you and Miranda cuddled up on the sofa with popcorn, watching Gossip Girl. At least not without yelling and attempting to pull out each other's hair!"

"Come on, we're not that impossible. You'd be shocked to know, but we really do love a quiet sister's movie marathon night."

"Yeah right. I'm not buying that. Not after what happened last week." He bursts into another round of annoying laughter, pissing me off further.

"That was all Miranda's fault!" I half yell.

"You're being defensive."

"Because I have to defend myself. "
I'm now yelling.
"Everyone thinks it's all my fault but Miranda's actually to blame. If she'd just gone along with the plan we wouldn't have argued and I wouldn't have yelled at her in front of her friends," I continue, now panting for breath.

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