Chapter 8

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Poor Audrey, I chuckle silently to myself as I watch her gaze move from me to Randy and back again.
She's probably wondering why and how Randy brought me home.

"Hey, Aud," he acknowledges her with a nod and she stammers a reply.

Aud? Why's he calling her by a pet name? Even I only do so when I badly need a favour.
Not that I'm jealous, I'm just saying something.

"Aren't you gonna ask me in?"
He asks as I move towards my door with a confused Audrey beside me.

"Ask you in? Where do you think this is, your girlfriend's house?" I throw back without looking at him.
He's silent for sometime. Still searching for what to say, I bet.
"That's very mean."

Yes, Randy...very mean and very intentional.
I'm still not intrigued by that little stunt you pulled earlier.

"I know. Bye," I wave him off and drag Audrey in, shutting the door behind us.
"What was that all about?" The question lands together with the sound of the door closing.
"All what about!?" I reply with a nervous chuckle.

"Seriously? You're gonna do this now? Randy just -" she continues and I quickly stop her, placing a finger on her lip.

"Shh. You know mom and Miranda.....they're very nosy. Let's get to my room first," I whisper and sneak her upstairs to my room.

"Ok. Spill the beans." I barely close my door when the question is thrown at me.

"It's nothing really. We just had a moment today," I say like it's no big deal, which would be an understatement. It's a actually a very huge deal and I'm only trying to sound all cool about it.

Unfortunately, Audrey's not the person I'd sound "all cool about it" to. She soon has me telling every detail that went down immediately I met Randy in the library and every moment after, till he brought me home.

"And you were saying, 'we just had a moment' ??" she mimics me to perfection.
I only shrug in defense.

"You know, I can't believe you're about to be popular..... I'm about to be the best friend of a popular person," she says to herself, totally ignoring me. "I'm going to start moving with
them and-"

"Erm?....Me?...Audrey??" I interrupt her, snapping my fingers to bring her back to reality.
"You know, you can just have a conversation with me, instead of one about me with yourself."

"O sorry. Didn't see you come in young lady," she mimics Miss Suzanne and I can't help but giggle.
"Ouch!" She yelps as I pinch her slightly.

"But on a real Mandy, this is great......a life changing event."

"O stop being so dramatic Audrey-"

"I'm not!" She snaps at me.

I roll my eyes and plop myself onto the bed, releasing a loud breath I didn't realize I was holding.
"Well, let's just hope for the best," I say to myself.


The next morning I'm not surprised as Randy joins Audrey and I at lunch break.
"Yo dudes," he shouts across the cafeteria to his two buddies on the popular people's table.
They hesitate for a while before coming over. The shock on them is too obvious to miss.

"Dude, tf are we doing here? Is this this some kinda joke?" Allen, the loudest of them spoke up. Now I know Randy has a loud mouth, but trust me, Allen makes Randy seem like the quietest person on earth. As for Kendrick, I'd never seen him speak more than a sentence. You'd think he's all innocent because of his quiet nature.
Wrong!! I'd heard he was equally as bad and next in line after Randy.

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