Chapter 22

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I catch Audrey staring down at my hand interlaced with Randy's, with a very weird face.

More like a very judgy face....let's just say that Audrey's not exactly a big fan of the whole fake relationship thing.
She thinks it's a really bad idea that will only end up hurting me.
Of course, as my best friend, she supports me one hundred percent, but she still has her reservations about the whole situation and doesn't fail to point them out from time to time.

I dismiss my observation and shake it off as Randy helps me settle down in my seat, just like he's done all week....and all of last week too!
We've been at it for about two weeks now, and everyone seems to have completely eaten up our little story.
And why wouldn't they? We put on quite the show. Every morning he'd pick me up in his car, then we'd walk into class together while holding hands, laughing and chatting away excitedly as though we were in our own little world...our very own bubble, where all that mattered was loving the hell out of each other.
He'd give me a quick kiss on the cheek before heading to the back seat to join Allen and Kendrick, or sometimes he'd just sit with me at the front.
We'd sit together during lunch, sharing food and feeding each other, much to the annoyance of everyone else at the table, Allen especially.

It may not sound like much, but that's pretty much teen language for marriage.

We even share the same cutlery!
And for some weirdly sweet reason, he makes it a point to drink from the same spot I do on a cup or a can.
If that's not intimacy, then I don't know what else is?
I used to think that was all gross stuff, but I guess my mind has changed!

You know, I wouldn't call myself an actress, but I sure do have a knack for acting, because Aubrey actually believed it all.
Well, not right away, she didn't.
And I don't blame her, because even I wouldn't believe it if I were her.
The whole thing seemed very laughable, if not desperate, but for some strange reason, everyone believed it.

"Guys, I really hate having to be the one that agrees with Allen, but I've gotta ask. Is this actually going to be a thing around here?" Audrey's voice breaks into my thoughts, bringing me back to reality.
She gestures towards our entwined hands and everyone at the table bursts out laughing.

"It's here and it's here to stay, Aud," Randy whispers across in mockery as he leans forward on the table, nudging me in the process.
"Right?" He asks. But all I actually heard was "Aud".


For whatever reason, He insists on calling her Aud, much to my dislike.
Maybe, just maybe, I might be a tad bit jealous and I know I'm not even supposed to because honestly, it doesn't make sense.

I'd love for him to call me by a short version of my name too, just that in my case it'd have to be "Man" or "Mand", which doesn't even sound right, kinda like the way I feel about the whole Aud thing.

"Right," I blurt out when I realize everyone's looking in my direction. "You're going to have to get used to it, Audrey."

"Trust me, I can never get used to this. It's been over a week already, and I still get surprised all over again anytime I see you two together."

"Me too, babe. Me too," Allen speaks up for the first time.

Babe, huh?

I immediately turn to Audrey and all she does is shrug and try to hide her smile.
There's definitely something going on with them both. They've been acting really weird all week, plus, I've caught them exchange a lot of knowing glances recently and the tension between them can be sensed from miles away.
I know, because it's pretty much the same with Randy and I.
Sometimes I can't tell if we're merely pretending, or if it's all actually real.

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