Chapter 27

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So here we are, all dressed up, parked in parking lot of The Clubhouse.
My pulse quickens as I glance around nervously, trying to take in my surroundings.
Chatter fills the atmosphere as people walk through the entrance, mingling and giggling away noisily. The loud music from the inside is complemented with faint cheers and applause of people having a blast inside. The colorful lights illuminating the surroundings cast an overall energetic and lively aura.
I look on in horror as a couple almost tear each other apart, making out against a car.
Around them, a number of other couples seem to be doing pretty much the same.
Like get a room or something!

A guy I recognize from school staggers towards the door and collapses against the stairs before he makes it in.
Who even arrives at a party already wasted?

"You girls ready???" Mom shouts above the loud music.
"Yeah!" I try to match her enthusiasm, but Miranda only gives a weak nod.

"Alrighty! Let's do thisssss!!" She continues in singsong, then proceeds to grab us each by the hand and drag us towards the entrance.

Oh boy, I think to myself before reluctantly moving my feet.

The inside is nothing I've ever seen before, which makes total sense coming from me. I've never really been anyway apart from school.
Thick air mixed with smoke, sweat and alcohol greets us as we take our first step inside.
The music blasting out from the speakers is so loud that it almost feels like the walls are exploding and to top that, people are jumping around wildly, dancing and having the time of their lives like there's no tomorrow.
The air is electrified with excitement and you can just feel the energy coursing through the room.
I watch the crowded mass of dancing bodies and shake my head distastefully.
Did mom really expect us to go join in all this craze?
If she did then she doesn't really know her daughters, because there is absolutely no way in hell I'm joining that dancefloor!
I mean just look at's all booze and sweat and skin to skin contact!
Ewww....Hard pass!!!!

"Mom, this is farfetched from what I imagined," I whisper loudly in her ear.

"You're right, Mandy. This was a dumb idea," she admits with an embarrased look.
"I haven't been here in years. I guess I didn't think it'd change this much. Come on, let's go get some drinks and then we can leave!"

I don't know which surprises me more. The fact that mom "used to come here" or the fact that she even suggested bringing us here in the first place.

"You used to come here?" Miranda speaks up for the very first time tonight.

"Oh hunny, where do you think you got your stubbornness and rebellion from? You dad?" She scoffs before breaking out into hysterical laughter.
"The only trouble he probably ever got into wa borrowing too many books from the library," she continues in-between her laughter.

"Come on girls, this way," she Instructs once she recovers from the laughter, taking the lead towards the bar. I follow suit,  grabbing Miranda's hand tightly and pulling her along, trying my very best to avoid brushing against any sweaty or dancing body.

We spot some empty barstools to the far right and make ourselves comfortable as mom signals the bartender.
"Girls, I'm so sorry for dragging you here. I don't know what I was thinking. I mean, I thought it'd be fun, but so far, it's been all but fun. I feel really terrible. What kind of a mom even takes her daughters to the club?"

Oh boy!
Here we go again.....
Another one of mom's meltdowns

Could anyone really blame her? She works double shifts everyday, bursting her ass off just so she can take care of us. She practically has no life left for herself.
I don't even think she has any friends aside her co-workers from the hospital.
Because, if she did, she wouldn't be hanging out with a bunch of teenagers at a club on a Saturday night, in an attempt to forget her ex boyfriend who tried to hit on one of her daughters.

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