Chapter 24

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"So uh..."

I nod eagerly, prompting him to continue his sentence but he seems to be in a whole different world.
I watch as his gaze lifts from my eyes, slowly traveling down and settling at my neck, where I can swear, it seems to intensify.
I gulp hard in response, my throat starting to feel hot all of a sudden.

"You were saying...?" I blurt out in a squeaky voice.

"Oh..." he gives a nervous chuckle, quickly jerking his gaze away from me.
"My bad...It's just that necklace around your neck, Mandy. It's gorgeous... you're gorgeous, Mandy Turner."

You're gorgeous, Mandy Turner....

His words echo over and over in my ears, my heart racing rapidly as excitement courses through every vein in my body, and I have to remind myself to breath.

Has breathing always been this difficult? Because all of a sudden, it doesn't seem so easy after all, and I literally have to force air down my own lungs.

But then, could I really blame myself? I'd never heard those words all my life.
I'd never had my full name associated with something good.
Heck, the only time anyone ever mentioned my full name was when I got into trouble at home.

But this?...this just feels too different.
And the intimacy I feel at the mere mention of my name in its entirety?... Is it weird??

"I guess I'll see you later tonight then," he whispers just loud enough for me to hear.

I'd been so taken aback, I totally forgot to say anything.

"," I stammer my reply. "I'll see you tonight," I manage to say in a much steadier voice, my eyes intently fixed on his and for the first time, it doesn't feel weird or uncomfortable or even inappropriate.
It feels so genuine and right!
As though it was just meant to be.

With gazes fixed on eachother, it was as though our locked eyes were beginning to speak in a language only they understood.
In that single moment, I feel a silent connection form between us, conveying emotions and thoughts that words would fail to capture and I can't help but wonder if this could be the start of something special

"See you later, Turner," he breaks the silence a few seconds later, his lips curving up into a knowing smile...a very knowing smile.
Obviously, he's more than aware of the impact of that name in his voice.

"Later," I mumble inaudibly before grabbing the doorknob and quickly pushing the door open.
I feel his steady gaze on me the entire time but I refuse to match it...I might just melt on the spot if I do.
Quickly, I get inside and slam the door shut, leaning against it and sliding down slowly till I touch the ground, a big smile plastered across my face.

"Oh, hi sweetheart," I hear mom's overly cheery voice call out from the kitchen just as I'm about to dive into a session of daydreaming and fantasies.
"How was school?"

Great. Just great.

I guess I'll have to save my fantasizing session for later tonight.

"Coming, mom," I shout back as I drag myself to the kitchen.
"Hi, mom." I flash her a weak smile before moving to hug her.

"So, how was school?" She asks....again.

"School was okay, mom," I reply, cautious.

"Anything interesting happen today?"
My brain instantly goes on high alert mode!

What exactly does she know??

"Not really. Same old...just class and a whole lot of boring stuff," I pick my words carefully.
She's going all mommy detector on me, so she definitely knows something!

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