Chapter 32

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"Alright class, do I have everyone's paper?" Mr. Windham asked the class as he hurriedly leafs through the stack of papers in-front of him.
"Yes, sir!" the class chorused excitedly, eager to barge right through the doors and go crazy in the hallways.
"Alright then....exam week is officially over!" he announces with a tight smile, as though scared to let out the happiness and relief he felt.

"Have a good one kids!" He adds immediately, finally breaking out into a big grin as he hurriedly heads for the door.
I feel the corners of my lips curve up in a smile, as I think to myself Damn right, I will.
As if.
I doubt I will have a "good one".... Or "any one" at all, for that matter.
I don't have any grand plans for the vacation destinations, no clubbing, no yachting, absolutely nothing.
And to make matters worse, mom is definitely going to push me to get a part time job or volunteer at some animal shelter or at her clinic or something even more lame.
Trust me, I know.
It wouldn't be the first time.

I cover my ears in attempt to block out the noise as the class bursts out into an uproar the second the door closes behind Mr. Windham.
I turn to find Audrey standing on her desk stomping and screaming off the top of her lungs, along with the rest of the class.

I turn to the back and find Randy already looking in my direction. He flashes me a smile and I feel the heat start to slowly creep up my cheeks. I return his smile before quickly turning back in embarrassment.
I didn't need him to notice how hard I'm blushing right now.
Next thing I realize, Audrey's hopped onto some kid's back and together they head out into the hallways where the real craze is happening.
I shake my head in amusement and proceed to pack my stuff into my bag.

I reach the door before risking another backward glance, only to find Randy chatting excitedly with the guys.
He catches my gaze and holds it for a while, his charming smile never leaving his face for even a second!
He excuses himself and heads towards my direction while I awkwardly stand at the door, waiting.

"Come here, kiddo!" He yells as he nears me, sweeping me off the ground in one big swoop, and twirling me around like I weighed nothing!
I squeal in delight, my eyes tightly shut as I hold onto him like my life depends on it.

"Randy! Put me back down...I'm dizzy," my slurry voice excitedly yells amidst laughter.

"Just one more," he yells back before beginning another round of twirls.
"There you go. Nice and easy..." He finally stops spinning and sets me back down, steadying me as I loose my balance temporarily.

"You're in a good mood," I state after recovering from the dizziness.
"School's out, Mandy. Of course I'm in a good mood. You should too, you know?" He narrows his eyes at me at that last bit.
"I am," I protest right away, breaking out into a fit of giggles. "I promise, I am. I'm just gonna miss you, that's all...." I admit after a while.
"When do you leave?" I add immediately, addressing the white elephant that's been in the room for a whole week now.

"I don't know...Over the weekend, maybe. Monday tops." He scratches his neck awkwardly.

"Monday....right. That leaves just 3 or so days," I point out sadly.
As selfish as I know I sound, I don't want him to spend the break over at his grandma's.
I want him here....where I can see and talk to him every single day!
I've gotten way too used to him.
I couldn't possibly imagine going a whole week, not to talk of 6, without having to see him.
Sure, we'd talk on phone, but that wouldn't be the same as actually hearing his voice in person....his very soothing voice I'd come to love so much, the one that I look forward to hearing every morning.
So yes, I think it's safe enough to say I have successfully been attached to this guy, which is actually a very bad thing, considering everything.

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