Chapter 21

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"You might wanna check your front door," the next text that pops up reads.

My front door?
What's at my front door?

I can't even begin to count the number of possible scenarios that race through my mind within a split second.

"What's got you smiling like that?" Mom asks and before I can prevent it, sneaks a peak of my phone screen.

"Oooouuuuu girlfriend," she sings excitedly, clapping away like a toddler. "I bet the text's from Randy. Am I right??"

"Knock it off mom. I'm going downstairs," I tell her before rising from the bed.

"You know I'm going to find out everything all by myself right?" She calls out to me as I reach to close the door behind me.

"Whatever, mom!" I shout across as I hasten down the stairs, two at a time.
I have no idea what's waiting for me at the front door, but I'm simply excited just by the mere thought of it.
My heart pumps in anticipation as I reach for the doorknob.
I pause for second to even my breathing rate before I turn the knob slightly. Gingerly, I push open the door a bit and peep outside.
There's nothing unusual in sight from my small angle of view.

Well that's a bummer.

I don't know what exactly I was expecting to see, but mom's car and a bunch of plants weren't it.
I decide to look around a bit.

I open the door all the way and the chill breeze of the night greets me as I finally step outside, sending shivers down my spine.

"Hey you."
His raspy voice breaks into the stillness of the night, sending even more chills down my spine.
I wasn't expecting to see him.
I quickly wheel around to face him.
"Randy." I give a nervous chuckle.
"Hi," my nervous voice greets.

"Hi," he responds with a wide ysmile plastered across his face, his beautiful eyes glistening in the dark.

"What are you doing here, Randy?"

"Mind if we take a seat first?"

"Mind if we take a seat first? What the hell, Randy?" I burst into laughter. "Someone's being very formal," I tease.

"You're so mean."
"I know. I bask in it."

"Whatever dude. Come on."
I follow him out back to the garden, where we settle down on the chairs.

"I know I said we'd discuss this tomorrow, but I thought I should come over and prep you for tomorrow," he finally states the reason why he came to see me.

"Prep me for tomorrow?" I inquire curiously.

"Yeah. I imagine this is all a lot for you. I don't want you feeling overwhelmed tomorrow. This fake relationship, it was all my idea...I don't want you feeling uncomfortable," He explains, leaving me at a loss for words.

"Oh...I see," is all I can come up with.
I'm still a bit surprised that he's actually looking out for me. Coming all the way here was very thoughtful of him, because deep down I'm terrified.

"We could always uh...not follow through with it if you think you wouldn't be okay with it. It's-"
"I want to do it!" I blurt out, interrupting him mid speech.

He breaks into a big grin.
"Oh. Okay. Well, that's uh, that's great. Okay. Fine. It's all good."

I look at him and shake my head amusingly. He's struggling to string his words together.

"So, how does this work?" I ask after an awkward period of silence.
"I don't know."
"You don't know? Randy, I've never been in a real relationship...I doubt I know what a fake one looks like."

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