Chapter 6

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It's been a week and I haven't really seen Randy around. After the results of the assignment were given last week which by the way we scored highest, he just vanished into thin air.

That's so strange and unusual. Randy's usually everywhere.
He walks around the school like he owns the place.
Well, maybe he's gotten suspension again, I decide.

"Hey Mandy, have you seen your crush around lately?" Audrey asks as we head for the locker room at closing.

"That's exactly what I was thinking. Haven't seen him," I reply.
"And stop calling him my crush," I demand after a few seconds.

"No, I won't," she stubbornly refuses.
"Whatever," I wave her off. "I need to borrow some books from the library so you go on ahead without me."

"Ohk. See you tomorrow then," she says as she turns to leave.

Or maybe he's changed schools.
Whatever, that's none of my business.

I get inside the library only to find the shock of my life...Randy seated on the first desk!
Even more shocking, he's reading!
Wow!...that's just amazing.

He seems so engrossed in it that I just walk away silently to the fiction side of the library, with no intention of distracting him.

Deep down I'm itching to go say hi.

Stop it!
He's learning!!

"Nice job Mandy...walking away like you haven't seen me," a familiar voice says softly and I wheel around to face him but he's still reading.

Or pretending to.

I walk to his seat with a smile.
A little too much than I intended. He must think I'm some kind of creep or something.

"Hi." I give a short wave.
"How'd you know I was the one?" I ask, remembering that he didn't raise his head when I walked in.

What he says next totally caught me off guard.
"I could smell you from a distance."

Can someone please explain why Randy can smell me from a distance??

That sentence meant two things; either he could smell me because I smell good, or because I smell bad which I doubt do. Definitely good!

"Say what?" I manage to ask with a steady voice after realizing what he meant.

"I said, I could smell you when you walked in," he repeats to my delight.

He shakes his head amusedly and stares me straight in the eyes, unconsciously playing with the pages of the book.

Why's he staring at me like that.

"You've been scarce," I say, breaking the silence and whatever hypnotic presence those cute blue eyes were creating.
"This your hideout?" I ask, gesturing to the library and he smiles weakly, then nods.

I don't know, but I can feel he's not his normal self. His eyes are not bright as usual and I can tell his smiles are all fake.

"Tired of popularity already?" I tease and he smiles.
This time a genuine one.

"Yeah....Maybe. Yes. Just wanna lay low for a while," he admits with sad eyes.

"Hey, are you ok?" I can't resist asking.
"You look sad," I continue.

"Mandy, I am sad," he admits and the face I see now is not the Randy I know. I've never seen him this terrible before.

"You wanna talk about it?" I offer and sit on the chair opposite him.

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