Chapter 3

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"Listen up Mandy. This is Randy we're talking about here. Randy!! And it's the perfect opportunity for us to get popular people as friends so QUIT THE SHY ATTITUDE AND GO TALK TO HIM!!!!!"

That's Audrey trying to get me to go talk to Randy about the work.

I just stare at her with a blank expression. How could I possibly do that? I don't have it in me to approach him.

"You know what? If you won't go, I'll go talk to him," she says furiously, grabbing my hand in attempt to drag me towards the popular people table.

"Audrey, stop it! I'll go talk to him," I finally concede. She let's go of my hand, taking a deep breath.
" So...go!" she urges.

Slowly, I walk towards his table, not knowing how he'd receive me - he'd already made it clear he didn't want to help.
I just wish the ground will open up and swallow me!

I get there and thankfully they don't notice my presence as they're busy arguing over something about basketball games.

I think luck's on my side because before I even get to open my mouth Randy looks up and see's me.

"Hey, if you were a boy, which team would you go for? - our school's team or the-" he begins asking and gets cut off with, "Why are you asking a nerd about this? She probably doesn't know anything about basketball."

As you can imagine, they're all cracked up with laughter and honestly, I don't get why.
I mean, what's so funny about what he said?

Curse him!

I don't even want anyone to know of my existence and he's here drawing attention to me!!!

And now they're all laughing at me.
I just turn around and quickly return to our seat, only to find Audrey also laughing.

So much for trying.

"And why are you laughing?" I ask angrily.
"Nothing," she replies with a serious face, trying very hard to hide a giggle.

"Look what you made me do!!" I accuse her.
I mean, it's entirely her fault.
I should've made her go instead.

She only shrugs and mouths an apology, one we both very well know she doesn't not mean.

"Hey Maggie!"
I turn in time to watch Randy slide into the seat beside Audrey.
I roll my eyes and hiss.

"Mandy," I correct.
"What?" he asks turning to face Audrey.
"Oh is that your name?"

"No airhead! I mean I'm Mandy. Not Maggie," I correct.

"Ohhh," He says, nodding away in understanding and rephrases, "My bad! Hi Mandy!"

I roll my eyes again and say, "Whatever."
"You know, that's very rude and unlady-like."

"Says the master of courtesy who just humiliated me in front of all of his friends," I reply in sarcasm.
"I take offense!"

"I. Don't. Care!" I say, pronouncing every word with all the bitterness I can muster.

"Is she always this moody?" He turns to ask Audrey, who shakes her head in response.

He sits up straight and folding his arms on his chest, asks me, "Or could it be...that you're in.....your time of the month?"

"SHUT UP! I'm not."

He shakes his head. "Are you sure about that? Because your reaction totally gives you away."

"I didn't know you were such a period expert Mr. -"
I stop when I feel a foot step on mine under the table.
Audrey's foot!

"Ouch!" I exclaim, realizing what she's trying to do. I take it as my cue to introduce her.

"Sorry. This is Audrey, my best friend,"
I introduce her to Randy.
"Hi, Audrey." He turns to her with a smile so sweet, I find myself staring more than I'd intended to.
Luckily I stop in time before he notices me.

"Hi!" Audrey responds, the excitement cry noticeable in her tone.

"So, have you started the assignment yet?" he asks, casually running his hand through his hair. Something I've observed for years he does out of habit.

I look around. "Who? Me?"
"Who else? You, of course. You're my partner and...," he trails off, realizing how wierd and inappropriate it sounded. Like we're married or something.
"Well that came out wrong," he chukles.

"Totally," I side with him.
"And no, I haven't started the work," I tell him, focusing my attention back to my lunch which is now cold.

"I have to go now," Audrey announces as she gathers the leftovers of her lunch and leaves.
"See you later," she sings happily and waves at us, already at the bin.

"Later!" I reply smiling hard at her retreating back.

"Wow! She smiles!"
"Don't push it," I say in a stern voice I don't even know I have.

"Whatever. So what are you waiting for?? Go start the assignment already," he says with an air of command which annoys me as well as excites me.

"No!" I protest.
"I'm not doing it alone. If you don't wanna help, that's fine. I'm already far ahead in class assessment scores, so a mere 10 marks absent wouldn't affect me much. You on the other hand...," I pause for my words to sink in deep.

"I won't even say much. I'm pretty sure you're aware your grades aren't anything to write home about, so I'll leave you to decide whether or not you want to do this," I continue with a big smile, and then rise to leave with whatever is left of my lunch.

Now he can't refuse me.
I'm such an actress! It's only a matter of seconds before my little act takes effect. One...two...thre-

"Wait!" He grabs my arm and pulls me back.

Well that was quick!

I quickly hide my smile and turn to face him with a fake frown.
"Tomorrow at closing. I'll be waiting in the library. Don't be late!"

I nod and quickly walk to class, blushing so hard and trying my best to avoid doing a happy dance.
Audrey will be soo happy!

Well today's chapter is a bit short😞
I'll work on that.
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