Chapter 30

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On the way to the field all I can do is think 'What if he dies?' and then proceed to be mad at myself for being such a selfish person and avoiding him all week.
He can't just pass out all of a sudden for no reason at all. I mean, if he passed out, then maybe he hasn't been well for sometime or something.


Well, how would I know?
Because all I've done is avoid him.
I wouldn't even have known if he was sick or something!!
And now, the guilt is eating me up alive!
I don't think I'll ever forgive myself, should anything happen to him.

Silently hoping all's fine, or that at least all will be fine soon, I double up my steps to keep up with Allen's long strides.

After what seems like forever, the field finally comes to view and I see two figures sitting over at the far end, away from everyone.
Kendrick and Randy.

Without thinking, I break out into a ran towards where they sat, leaving Allen and Audrey behind, panting for breath with every stride I take.

"Is he okay?" I ask Kendrick when I finally reach, kneeling to face them.
He just sat there, motionless, and very shaky
"Randy!" I half yell, surprising myself.
"What's happening to him, Kendrick?"

"I think that's a conversation you two need to have...probably when he's all recovered, which will be any moment from now," he replies, and I glare at him momentarily.

"Are you kidding me? Shouldn't we take him to the nurse's office or something?" I finally yell, sick with worry at this point.

"He's fine, Mandy. It's just a panic attack," Kendrick yells back probably annoyed at me.
Well, can you really blame me?
This is freaky as hell!!

"There's nothing fine about this, Kendrick!!! Just look at him? He needs help!" I yell out loud.

"Hey, calm down. We've been through this severally, so trust me when I say he's going to be fine!" He yells right back.

And what is he, a doctor?

"How can you be so sure? What if-"
Kendrick cuts me off before I even get to finish.

"He's not gonna die, Mandy. And even if he dies, it's probably going to be as a result of too much alcohol or smoke in his lungs or some shit like that, not some damn panic attack! So quit whining, suck it up and go tell him everything will be fine. Right about now he's picking up on everything around him, your anxiety included!!! You need to chill the fuck out, Mandy!"
I just stand rooted on the spot as Kendrick yells at me, my mouth and eyes very wide open.


As sad as that just sounded, it brought me relief momentarily, because it's true.
Randy's likely to die from a liver or lung failure, than from some panic attack.

Also, I'd never been openly scolded like this, and especially not by a guy who's no more than 2 years older than me.
What's even more shocking is, I never knew there was this side to Kendrick.
I'd always just thought he was this quiet kid who didn't give a crap about literally anything or anyone.
But hearing him yell at me, I now see much he actually cares for his friend.
It's actually very sweet.

"Are we clear?" He interrupts my thoughts, this time his voice a calm whisper.
I risk a backward glance at Allen and Audrey who are just as confused as I am.
They nod back slowly and I turn my focus back to Kendrick.
" guess," I stutter a reply, my heart and mind both still racing at a dangerous speed.

"You got this, Mandy," He further reassures me in a soothing whisper before turning and leaving.

I exhale deeply and quickly fill my lungs with air before moving close to Randy, gently flashing him a smile before moving to sit directly in front of him.

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