Chapter 25

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Mandy's POV

Without my phone to occupy me, I toss and turn on my bed for the millionth time tonight, pressing my eyes tightly shut and willing myself to sleep.
My desperate efforts to fall asleep over the past hour have all failed miserably, driving me completely nuts!!!

I risk a sideway glance at the only source of light in my room, the digital clock on my bedside drawer.

10:03pm, it reads.

I release a frustrated sigh as I sit up and stare into the darkness.
The night is still too young.
I have to occupy myself with something...anything really, before I go insane!

The door creaks open, and someone walks in, startling me momentarily.


The little brat. She's probably here to gloat.

"You're going to the party and I'm not. I get it, don't have to rub it in my face. Just go away, okay? I'm not in the mood to fight," I speak out and lie back down, turning to face the wall.

"Hey, it's me...Randy."

I've never sat up faster!
My body shoots up into sitting position, like I'd been zapped by a bolt of lightning.

"Randy?" I call out in a gentle whisper.

"Yeah, it's me. Where's the switch? I can't see anything," he whispers back.

"To the left of the door. Also, why are you whispering?"

"I don't started it," he whispers again, and I can't help but smile.

"Found it," he announces. "You might wanna close your eyes for this," he warns and I oblige immediately, before the bulb flickers on.
Slowly, I open my eyes and it takes me a little too long to adjust to all the light around me.

"Come, sit." I point to my study desk, watching in excitement as he edges closer with the chair and sets it down right in front of the bed.
I fight a blush when he finally sits and looks down at me with a smile.

"Hey," I reply shyly.
"What are you...uh, doing here?"
I kick the blanket away and move to sit at the edge of the bed facing him, so we're staring right at eachother.

"Well, your mom said you couldn't leave the house. She never said anything about me coming over to the house."
I'm trying to find the flaw in that logic, but I can't. It actually kinda makes sense.

"Now look who's the smart one," I tease lightly.
"Between you and me, I've always been the smart one. I only allowed you to carry on for so long, Mandy."

I laugh before responding.
"You wish, really wish. And what happened with the party anyways?"

"Oh that," he replies like it's no big deal.
I mean, this was supposed to be a big deal, right?
Well, it was, for me, at least.
"There'll be so much booze, they won't even miss me."

"What are you saying? You're Randy... everyone's going to notice you're absent."

"Oh, they'll live, Mandy. Don't stress it....that's not what's important right now."

"Right." I nod slowly.
I'm bummed out about missing the party, but him being here kinda makes that all go away.
"So, tell me...what exactly is important right now?" I ask him, my head lowered, wondering what his answer might be.

"What's important right now...." he breaks off mid sentence to tip my chin up so I'm looking directly into his beautiful eyes.
"... is being here, with you," He continues in a whisper, a smirk lurking at the corners of his lips.

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