Chapter 4

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Today's when I get to meet Randy to start the assignment.

I'm literally screaming right now.
I'm soo excited.!! It's kinda like a date...... except it isn't.

I took Audrey's advice to dress up and so here I am, all dressed up in a floral print off- the -shoulder dress tucked into a short black flared and bouncy skirt with a pair of black converse, some bracelets and my hair pulled into a mess bun.
Yup.... That's the best I could come up with.... Don't judge.

I completely stayed away from makeup - I totally have no idea how to use them.
So I just stick to my lip balm and paint my nails. I can tell I really look good today.

"Is it just me or the day's dragging along extra slow today??" I ask Audrey impatiently.

"You're too busy waiting for closing to go meet up with your crush. That's why it's going soo slow," she replies teasingly.

I exhale loudly and mumble, "yeah, I guess so."

Five minutes later I check my phone and, "What!!??? It's only 9:30am???We've been here forever Audrey," I complain under tone to her.

"Come on, Mr Sam just walked in about 10 minutes ago," she points out and I realize she's right.

"When's 4pm ever going to come?" I ask warily and yawn.
She looks at me amusedly. "You really can't wait can you??"
I nod shortly.
" No."


Yup! That's the closing bell.
Finally closing's here.

OmG!! I can't believe it!!! Oh good Lord please don't let me freeze up AGAIN!!!!

I quickly shove my book's into my locker and move to the library.

I can't seem to find Randy anywhere so I just settle for a nice Nancy Drew novel and seat myself at the front so I can see him whenever he walks in.

He was the one talking about, "don't be late."
Now look who's late!!
I realize I'm not paying attention to the book as I keep glancing towards the door, watching out for Randy in the crowds of people tumbling in so I just close the book.

It's 10 minutes past the agreed time and he's still not here!
Whatever's keeping him, I wonder.
Maybe he's just running late.
Or maybe he has an impromptu after school practice session?
Or maybe he forgot about me and the assignment altogether.
Or maybe he's just busy making out with some girl!
And just like that, various scenarios begin to ran wild and free in my head.

Relax Mandy!! He'll come eventually.
Don't fret!!

I try to console myself and wait for some time, but then patience has never been my strong suit.
I hate waiting! For whatever reason, I just hate to wait.

Soon an hour passes and he's still not here.

Screw you Randy Hilton!! Really. I mean this from the bottom of my heart.

I'm usually not this profane, but I can't help it right now.

Who are you kidding?

Ok maybe I am, but just a bit.
I mean, who isn't, right?....on occasion??


Ok maybe I am a lot more profane than I'd like to admit.

A whole hour and he doesn't show?
Ok that's it!
I'm leaving!!
There's only so much I can endure.

I mean, how dare he waste my time like that.
Not that I have anything but homework to do, but this is totally unacceptable and I so t stand for it.
I'm so going to give him a piece of my mind tomorrow.

Angry and full of self pity, I quickly return the book and and make my way home, my blood boiling really hard.

I guess good looks isn't everything.
He's such a jerk, and now I feel sorry for myself for ever having a crush on him.

I get home to find Greg watching TV in the living room and my anger rises even higher.
I don't like the way he's always in our house. It's very unsettling...disturbing even.

"Hey Mandy!"
"Hi Greg!"
"How was your day??"
"The usual - nothing much. Where's mum?"
"Picking up some groceries with Miranda".
"Cool.....I'm just gonna go do my homework upstairs," I tell him, rushing upstairs.

I hate being around him. He acts so creepy. He even looks at me in this wierd way. I get goosebumps whenever he looks that way, and it's not even in a good way...more like the type horror movies give.

I liked Ken better.... He was fun, and crazy and less creepy.
Too bad they broke up!

"Mandy?" he calls and I stop in my tracks.
What??" I ask, a bit rudely than I'd intended.

OK ...that didn't come out well.

"Can we talk?"
Trust me, after all that Randy-not-showing-up-thing, talking's the last thing I want to do right now.

"Whatever about?? Mom?"
"No. About you, you know.....-"
"No Greg, I don't know. I've got tons of homework so I better get started," I cut him off and quickly rush inside

Well...that was awkward!!
What was that all about??

After being locked up inside my room for about three hours, throwing a solo pity party for most parts of those three hours, I finally decide to go get something to eat.
I go downstairs and they're all there in the living room having Chinese food and watching TV....Greg included!

Doesn't he have a home??
Or is he simply homeless??

I ignore them and walk to kitchen to fix myself some cereal and as I'm climbing back up mom asks, "What's wrong dear? You didn't greet, you haven't eaten and look, your eyes are all puffy and swollen. Have you been crying?"

Of course I cried. Stupid right?
I know, but I couldn't help it.

"Nothing's wrong mom, it's just a cold. I've taken some medicine already so you don't have to worry," I lie.

" Why don't you join us for dinner," Greg suggests.

I only shake my head and say, "It's OK, I'll just have this cereal. Good night!! "

"But you love Chinese food," mom reminds me.

"I'm OK mom," I say and head back upstairs to eat.
And possibly cry again before I sleep.

How dare he stand me up like that?

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