Chapter 5

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"OmG!!! He didn't come?? I can't believe he didn't come!"

Yup, that's Audrey. She's practically as disappointed as I am. But I just put on a brave face and act as if it's nothing.

"Yeah Audrey, fortunately for him and unfortunately for me, he didn't come. Because I swear I'd have killed him if he eventually did show up, for making me wait so long."

"Well I'm so sorry Mandy. I know how much you looked forward to this. Maybe it's explainable," she tries comforting me.

"It better be," I mutter and she adds, "But, if it's not, you have my total support if we're to kill him."

Oh Audrey.
She always has a way of making me happy.
We both laugh at her comment and make our way to class.

And guess who we meet at the door?

Randy and his two buddies.

As if rehearsed, Audrey and I both roll our eyes and hiss at the same time, before walking into the class.

"What's wrong with those nerds?" I hear one of his friends ask and they all laugh.


At lunch break Randy joins Audrey and I at our table.

"Hello Michelle!!"

Less than 24 hours and he's already forgotten my name AGAIN!!
Well, he's Randy - keeping names of girls is the last thing he'd do. Flirting with them is all he does.

I roll my eyes and mutter, "Here we go again."

"What?" he asks and I wonder if he's really oblivious of why I did that.

"My name's Mandy, Randy. Mandy! Not Michelle or Maggie or anything else. Just Mandy!!" I yell in frustration remembering how he stood me up making me look like an idiot yesterday.

"Whoa....whoa there lil' Missy...Calm down OK? Are the cramps that bad??"

That's it!
I've had about enough.

Why's he so annoying?

I simply glare at him then ask instead, "Why didn't you show up yesterday??"

"Mystery solved." He laughs, annoying me even more.
"You're angry because I didn't show up yesterday," He continues, and I can't tell if he's asking me or telling me.
"I was busy."

I scoff.
"You were busy?" I ask unbelievably. "And what, I had nothing...absolutely nothing doing but to wait around for Mr. Busy to arrive from his busy business?"

You know you had nothing else doing Mandy.
I know that, but that's not the point right now.

I half expect him to apologize or something, but all he does is stare at me with an expression I can't identify.

"Well....?" I push.
If he doesn't want to apologize, the best I can do is force one out of him.

"Well, what?"

Is he really that clueless or just dumb?

"Aren't you going to apologize or something?"

"I don't apologize for stuff I didn't do," he tells me and steals a bite from my sandwich.

Would you look at all that nerve?

I look from my plate to his mouth and back to my plate again before giving him a deadly glare. Well at least that's what it feels like to me - a deadly glare - but I have no idea why he's laughing and why Audrey's trying to hide one.

This is never funny, and considering how much I love my sandwiches, this passes as a life and death situation.

I decide to do what's best - ignore him.

"So you leave me waiting for you for over an hour when I have other things doing and that's not your fault. It's all mine because maybe I somehow talked the teacher into pairing us up?" I ask sarcastically.

"Wait, did you?" I can almost hear the smile in the question.
"And tell me exactly why I'd want to pair up with a dumb ass jerk who'll only make my work difficult!" I bite back.

"Because I'm hot," he says and leans back on the chair.

"That has nothing to do with -"
"So you do find me hot," he rudely interrupts with a mischievous smile.

"I don't. Now admit you're wrong and apologize," I almost yell.
"I'm not!"
"Yes you are!"
"Ok!" Audrey bangs a fist on the table. A few heads turn in our direction, some wondering what Randy is doing with us.
"Your bickering is driving me nuts!"
"Mmmhmmn," I back her with a smug look. "Just apologize and I'll be happy to help out," I add when he narrows his eyes at me.

He exhales deeply and his jaw twitches.
I mean, is it that hard to apologize?

"Sorry," he says inaudibly.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you."
He looks at me with a raised eyebrow and I just shrug.

"I said, I'm sorry," he says more audibly now.

"Sorry??" I ask unbelievably.
"And what?? That's supposed to bring back the time you made me waste??"

"Hey...I said I'm sorry OK! And weren't you the one pushing for an apology?"

" what where you doing, Mr Busy?? Having a date, making out with a girl? Goi-..."

He cuts me short, "Firstly, I don't do dates and secondly, I don't do dates. I was busy. Don't you get it?" he asks angrily as he rises to leave.

Oh well....that went well..
What do I do now??
I didn't mean to upset him.

Confused, I turn to face Audrey who flashes me a weak smile which tells me I screwed up.

"It's ok. I bet he really isn't angry," Audrey tries comforting me. But that's not even convincing enough. I doubt she's even convinced herself.

"I hope so," is all I can say.



Who's yelling my name this hot afternoon, I wonder, reluctant to stop walking.

I turn to check but all I see is crowds of students walking home so I just keep moving.

"Yo Mandy!!"

The sounds familiar.
I turn to search again and this time I find the person.


"You're really wicked you know, ignoring me calling you and just walking away like that," he says, panting heavily as he falls into step with me.

"Good afternoon to you too," I reply sarcastically.

"Someone looks happy." He grabs my bag and pulls me back.
"The cramps are gone right?" he asks with a wink and a teasing tone that I just can't get angry at.

Well at least I know he's not angry anymore.

"Haha. Very funny."

"So, you still uh....wanna do the work together?" he asks casually but I note the uncertainty in his voice.

"No," I state simply and speed up my pace.
"Come on! You're kidding right?"

I blow my cover by laughing.
"Gotcha! Gosh, you should've seen the look on your face! Priceless!!" I exclaim, a bit too cheerfully than I expected.

"Whatever. Can we go now?" He silences me and I just nod and follow him back into the school.

In the library we find tons of books on rocks and get down to business, chipping in jokes and laughing and all.
I had a good time I must say. I mean, he didn't bring up anything about my nerdiness and all that.
Too bad it's all going to end today.
I may never get to talk to him again.
Well, what's it they always say?....You can't eat your piece of cake and have it too.
I did eat my cake, and now I can't have it too.

Hey people.....
Still need more votes tho.

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