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[Sonic's pov]

i... i woke up again...?

this has to be some kind of dream. there's no way im still alive after all that.

i noticed i wasn't in the forest anymore. i was in a white empty room... it didn't even have any windows! not even a door!!

how did i even get in here??! i tried to calm myself down and look around but there was really nothing... i was the only thing in this room. not even Ruby is here..

it wasn't long until i noticed the room was getting smaller... shit! it's gonna crush me! im sure Mephiles is the one doing this.

i don't have much time... i'll get crushed if i don't act faAAAAAAAAAAAAST-


did the room just flip?! everything just keeps getting weirder and weirder...

this damn room better not flip again i swear!! well the room was still about to crush me so that's also a problem...

i just wish there was something to comfort me here...

as i say that, Ruby just suddenly appeared out of nowhere and meows at me...

i was confused... her meows were getting louder and louder. i tried to get her to stop but she didn't.

why is her meows so loud?! it sounds like she's meowing right in my ear!! it just keeps getting louder that i forgot the room was going to crush me.

Ruby was gone and the room was so close to crushing me but before it did...

i... woke up..?
so it was a dream..? i tried to open my eyes but i couldn't. i just forced it open since it was getting annoying. i suddenly heard someone's voice... no... it was Tails' voice!

"Sonic?!" he yelled when he saw me force my eyes open.

i got to open my eyes but i could barely keep them open anyway.

i noticed i wasn't in the forest anymore... i was trying to see where i was but Ruby just lied right on my face... bro... what's wrong with this cat...

Tails chuckled and took the cat off "he's not a bed, Ruby." Tails said as he hugged the cat and placed it down. "she keeps laying on your face for some reason.."

"anyway, are you okay?" he asked.

"im feeling alright..." i lied. i feel terrible...

Ruby jumped up on the bed again. "We were looking for you and Ruby came running to us. she lead us to you and thankfully we got you to the hospital in time.." Tails said...

how did Shadow train his cat to be so smart?? maybe i'll ask later.

"i'll go call Shadow! im sure he'll be happy to see you awake!" Tails happily said as he ran out of the room to look for Shadow.

i sat up and the cat lied on my lap... i didn't think i was gonna live...

[Shadow's pov]

i saw Tails running towards me. he seemed happy...

"what's got ya so excited?" i asked him.

"Sonic is finally awake!" he stated.

i smiled at him and he suddenly grabbed my hand and took me to Sonic. he then left the room...

The Only one (Sonadow/Soknux AU)Where stories live. Discover now